~Chapter 39~

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"I can't wait for it to get hot again, then you I could watch you as you run on the hot sand being all lifeguardy and all," I giggle.

"Lifeguardy is not a word my love," Scott claims.

"Oh what to the ever," I smile at him. A very warm and sweet smile.

"I love you," I blurt out.

"I love you," he responds with a huge grin on his face.

"What?" I laugh.

"Nothing you're just so darn cute. Hey, why don't you and I get something to eat," he asks excitingly.

"Sure," I smile.

As I get the clothing from my drawer, I realize that he isn't leaving the room.

"So um I'll be in the bathroom," I say as I walk in to it.

The door creaks open and a head peaks out. It's Scotty of course and he walks in fully and sits on the closed toilet.

"Scott, what the heck. I'm getting dressed, you know."

"Yeah I know," he says while staring at me completely nonchalant.

"You're unbelievable, you know that," I say.

"Yeah I know," he smiles his time.

I take off my shirt and my black bra is now exposed along with my skin. I'm not a twig of size, so I don't really want him to see my stomach. I'm skinny but not enough to be comfortable in my own skin about it. When I eat and see my stomach a little big, I feel bad about my self. So imagine right now standing here in front of Scott.

I cover my stomach with my arms and turn around.

I put on a dressy white shirt then take off my pants to put on a pair of cute denim skinny jeans.

I turn around halfway to look at the mirror then turn to Scott.

He has the most confused face that I've ever seen him with.


He doesn't say anything his face just morphs into deeper confusion.

"Scott! Say something!"

"Are...you...are you insecure Val?"

My face gets extremely red and I begin to panic inside. Men like confident woman and confident is what I am not. I can't lie to him though, I just can't. I know that it's not that serious but for some reason I feel like it is to him right now.


I immediately put my shirt back on after this.

"How? How could you be insecure. Are you blinded by the worlds opinions that you can't see the beauty behind your eyes," he states.

"Take off your shirt," he commands.


"Take off your shirt," he says slower.

"Take it off or you know that I will," he warns.

I do as told and take it off. I can't help but wrap my arms around my stomach.

He walks up to me and his eyes soften. He places his hands softly on my arms and pushes them down lightly.

He puts his two hands on my waist and looks down at my stomach. I look away embarrassed as ever.

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