~Chapter 12~

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The walls here are thin so the only sound coming from the room is the music that's outside these walls. I didn't know that my brother could actually throw a descent party like this.

If I wasn't so out of it today I would have made the best of tonight. Today sucked ass though. It was really not a good day, at all.

"So you were sitting alone on the couch for half an hour, Alone?" He puts emphasis on the last word.

"Yeah, everyone knows each other already so I guess that I just don't fit in with this new crowd," I shrug my shoulders and he frowns.

"I'm surprised that no one even tried to speak to you," he contemplates while staring at the ground.

He lifts his eyes and they meet mine. He opens his mouth but doesn't speak. It's like he's deciding in his mind if he should say what he wants to say next.

"You-," he pauses and sighs.

As he shakes his head I wonder what is is that he wants to say.

"I..what," I push.

He glares at me softly, it's like he's hurting inside. I could tell by the sadness and fear in his eyes. This night couldn't get weirder.

He lets out another sigh, this time deeper before speaking. "You don't know how hard it is to see you look... this good and know that your going home with someone else."


I break the gaze because I'm nervous as hell. He just... What?!? Scott frowns but I don't react to it. Instead, I just shake my head and pinch my arm to make sure I'm not delirious.

He notices my small action and calls me out on it. "Your not imagining this," he chuckles. A sad chuckle, why is he so sad? He then places his hands on his face and rubs, hard. He seems really frustrated. Not with me but with himself.

"I just.. I need to ask you... I.. I have to ask you," he's frantic now and honestly I don't know how to react. He stares at me for a while before speaking again.

"You know what, I'm not going to ask you; I'm just going to tell you." Scott pauses and stares deep.. So deep into my eyes. I stare into his and wait for him to finish whatever it is that he's acting so crazy about.

This is unlike him. He usually knows the perfect thing to say at the perfect time. Not now though, now he just seems really lost in his own thoughts.

"I love you." He breaks the gaze and looks down at the floorboards. "I have loved you for a while now," he continues. "I became friends with your brother when I was eight just so that I could get to know you better. Before it was a small crush, but as the years went by, I began to think more about you... To feel more for you."

He pauses and takes a deep breath. He then exhales and his eyes meet mine again.

"I've been a coward and I never told you how I felt for my own selfish reasons. I never wanted you to reject me. Hell, I still don't but you need to know. I can't hold it in anymore, I can't hold in how my heart races a thousand beats per second when I'm around you. I can't hold in how I felt when that Gavin guy kissed your cheek. I can't hold in how I smile whenever I think of you."

He smiles a heart felt smile before saying the words, "You make me....me..and.....I like the real me."

He struggled to express his feelings but I understood them a hundred percent.

Those last few words may not be very inspirational but they meant the world to me in my eyes.
Hey peeps! Lmao. So what do you think about Scott and him professing his love to Valerie? Do you think it's genuine or if he's just trying to get in her pants? O.o ------Aside from that.....Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts throughout the story. I'd love to hear your feedback, it really helps. Thanks! :))))

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