~Chapter 13~

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My mouth is open wide. I'm beyond shocked and was no way in hell expecting this.

He just professed his love for me within five minutes. He's been feeling the same way for me as I have for him. Maybe even a little more. No.. hell no...we're equal.

As the minutes go by and I don't respond, his frown deepens. Shit. I want to say something, I do, but I have no idea what to say. He's staring at the floor now.

Before I can think about what I'm about to do I realize that I'm leaning forward. I place the palm of my hand on his cheek and softly turn his face to my direction. I Scott closer to him and lean in some more.

The moment my lips press into his, my body instantly ignites. He doesn't pull away. Why would he? Our lips brush against each other so softly. It's so pure..so amazing. I tug at his hair and he moans. This causes me to part open my lips and he pushes his tongue through.

I groan into his mouth as his tongue massages mine, going through the motion like this was something that it was familiar with.

I wasn't used to this though. He digs his fingers onto my thighs and lays his back against the bed, lifting me in the air. He lays me on top of him and I hover over his body.

Well this escalated quickly.

He softly glides his finger tips up and down my leg and thigh just to where my waistband is. He's teasing me and I love it.

He uses one hand to stroke my back up and down and the other to tease my weak area. It's right beneath my upper thigh. What the hell? Since when did I have a weak area? I've never felt this way.. heck, I have never been touched this way.

It almost feels like a tickle with his cold yet soft finger tips, but I don't mind. I'm so hormonal right now that I can't even bring myself to laugh.

A knock at the door breaks me of my trance and I quickly hop off of Scott and wipe at my wet lips with my fingertips.

When I get a good look at who barges in, I notice a familiar face next to a Short blonde that's wrapped herself around his chest with probably her whole body. Oh great what a shocker. It's Jake and he's not really happy.

"Were you two just," he starts but stops when the short blonde interrupts.

"I want to fuck you already! I've been waiting all night for this shit to happen so chop-chop."

She pulls at his shirt and groans. Jake blushes and gets nervous. I could tell he's embarrassed and wants to get away from me quick. That makes two of us. He quickly exits the room with her and I'm left alone with Scott.

I'm very disturbed that my brother may be having sex in two minutes in the room next door but I can't concentrate on that fully, having Scott right next to me.


Well this isn't the most awkward thing I've ever encountered. I open my Mouth to speak but he raises his hand to silence me. What?

"This wasn't suppose to happen," he declares. I look at him. I'm trying to figure him out but I just can't. I never did know him on a deep level. I was just the weirdo teen wandering around in her shorts to try to come across my brothers best friend. I wish I knew him better though, I really do. He's so close to my family but so far away from me.

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