Chapter 1

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Oh great. He found another one.

I watched from afar as another unlucky kid fell into the clutches of Nathan Mathers, the biggest bully in the school. I would help, but I saw no point in putting myself out there for a kid I didn't know. I was no vigilante and I didn't plan on being one. 

I walked away as the kid was shoved into his locker.

I yawned as I made the short trip to my locker. I put all my books inside, since I won't need them, and crammed my skateboard inside. 

I entered my French class, yawning again. I didn't care much for the class so I laid my head on the desk and closed my eyes. I stayed up all night playing Resident Evil and only had three hours of sleep. I was in a really grumpy mood and, when the teacher demanded I wake up, I told her to leave me the hell alone without raising my head. She threatened me with detention and stalked away. She must be high to think I would actually go.

Nathan and his group walked in. Loudly. It just had to be today that I forgot my headphones at home.

"Sorry teach, we were in the library," he said as he took his seat right beside me. I tried going back to sleep, but Nathan and his group decided to have their own conversation. I felt my hand twitch and sat up. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. They must be remembering the last time someone interrupted my sleep. Let's just say the guy had to transfer schools.

"Do you mind shutting the hell up? I'm trying to sleep," I said loud enough for them to hear. The room went silent as they watched me in shock.

"What did you just say?" Nathan asked; I was unfazed. I remember hearing about him bullying girls, but I've never seen him do it. I didn't care, though. All I cared about was my sleep.

"I said to shut the hell up. You're interrupting my sleep," I repeated. He continued to stare me down in contempt, with me giving him the same look.

He huffed at me and continued talking. His friends followed suit, sneaking subtle glances at me.

My hand twitched; not a good sign. I rose slowly. They continued to talk, but were watching my movements. I walked to the other aisle, stopping next to Nathan.

"What?" he asked annoyed. I smiled, not a good smile either. It was the smile of a crazy person. Then I lunged at him. I was able to hit him at least five times in the face before I was pulled away. I kicked and struggled against the ones holding me.  

"What the hell is wrong with her!" someone yelled. 

Oh, I wasn't done yet. I bit one of someones hand and used my now free hand to elbow the other. They fell backwards into others behind them. I continued my assault on Nathan, punching and kicking anywhere I can. I was pulled away yet again, this time with my hands held behind my back.

Everything was a blur after that. I remember my mom telling me I gave Nathan a black eye and a busted lip. Oh well, he deserved it for interrupting my sleep. It's not my fault he didn't shut the hell up. The bright side of this was that I had a 3 day vacation, A.K.A. suspension. The bad thing? My parents took away games, including my PS3 and PSP. 

I will never forgive them for this.

His Skater, Her Bully [Book 1]-EDITINGUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum