Chapter 8

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It was now December, which meant cold weather. I hated cold weather.

“Camille Louise Chambers, wake up this instant!” my mom yelled from downstairs. I groaned as I finally got out of bed. I knew she was pissed; it was the only time she called me by my whole name.

“Alright already! I’m up!” I yelled. “Stupid old hag. Can’t even get five more minutes of sleep.” I mumbled that last part; my mom was scary when she’s angry. I took a hot shower and dressed in all black: black jeans, black boots, black shirt, and black coat. I really hated to be cold. I grabbed my bag, board, and gloves and headed down the stairs.

“I need you to come straight home today,” mom said as I entered the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast. I grabbed an apple and orange juice.

“Why?” I asked. I gulped down the juice and proceeded to eat the apple.

“Me and you father have something to discuss with you,” she said. I stopped mid-bite. That did not sound good.

“Fine,” I said throwing my apple away. My appetite was gone as the worst possible outcomes came to mind. The worst was divorce. “I got to go, or I’ll be late.”

I didn’t care about being late as I took my time to get to school. By the time I got there, I had already missed my first class. When I walked into my French class, my second class of the day, I was already ten minutes late. The teacher gave me a death glare before returning to the lesson.

“Yo.” I turned toward the voice, only to look back at the board. I was in no mood to deal with Nathan today. “Yooo~~~.” He began poking me in the head, while I tried to ignore him.

“WHAT?!” I yelled. He smiled triumphantly at my outburst.

“Hi,” he said. I clenched my fists and, just before I could dot him in the eye, the teacher came over.

“You two, out. Right now,” she said. I was more than glad to leave. I grabbed my things and stormed out of the room. I made my way to the girls restroom, planning to stay there the rest of the period.

“Camille, wait!” Nathan called after me. I stopped and sighed up to the ceiling. “I’m sorry about that. I didn’t know you would be in such a bad mood.”

“Is that it?” I asked. He could tell I was not in a good mood.

“You wanna go somewhere?” he asked looking around the hall. I raised my eyebrows. Was he trying to lure me somewhere to do unspeakable things? “It’s not what you’re thinking. I mean, like, to cool your head.” I liked the idea of getting away from the school, so I nodded my head.

As we headed out to his car, I felt a feeling of déjà vu. This was like the time we escaped from my parents arguing. I felt my bad mood go down and smiled. Why is it that he was the one to save me, when I was supposed to hate him?



“Can I ask you an important question?” I said as I gave Camille a serious look.

“Sure,” she said turning her attention to me.

“Why are you eating ice cream when it’s freezing outside?” I asked.

“Ice cream tastes better when it’s cold. Besides, cold weather keeps it from melting,” she said as she continued eating. I couldn’t help but notice the way she licked it. I shook the dirty thoughts out of my mind and turned away.

“What happened this morning?” I asked. She was now, thankfully, finished with her ice cream and we were leaning on my car at the park. It seems this has become a special place for us.

“I think their getting a divorce,” she said. I nodded my head. I knew it was going to happen eventually, but not so soon. We stood there in a comfortably silence, until she got a phone call. “Crap, its my mom. I think the school called her.”

“Are you going to answer it?” I asked. She was just staring at the phone, contemplating whether to answer it or not.

“No way,” she said as she stuffed it into her pocket. Then she looked at me. “I just realized something. We’re always talking about my family problems, but never yours.”

“Is that so?” I said. I could feel her eyes drilling holes onto the side of my face. Truthfully, I would rather not talk about my family problems. Compare to hers, mine was much worse. Her parents actually cared about her. Mine could care less whether Alex and I were dead or alive. “I’m hungry; let’s go eat.” I hurriedly got into my car, with her close behind.


“Where do you want to go?” I asked. She gave me a look of frustration before giving in.

“Anywhere is fine.” I spotted a restaurant close by and made my way there. “Wait, not there.”

“I thought anywhere is fine?” I asked.

“My mom owns that restaurant,” she said with unmasked fear. I felt a smile tug on my lips.

“Why don’t we go say hi, then,” I said. She stared daggers at me and, for a second, I thought she was going to attack. “Calm down, I’m only kidding.” I turned around and headed to a nearby McDonalds.



“Really?! Well when are you coming?...Oh my god, I can’t wait! You have to tell me everything you did there…They come home the same day as you…Okay, bye.” I hung up the phone and danced in my room, singing. My brothers were coming home this weekend! It’s been months since I’ve seen them. Nothing could ruin my mood.

“Camille, what is this I hear about you not attending class today,” my mom said as she walked into my room. I stopped jumping on my bed and gulped. She looked beyond pissed.

“Sorry,” I said lowering my head. She gave out an angry sigh.

“It’s fine. Now, why are you jumping around like you’re crazy?” she asked.

“Because their coming home!” I yelled as I resumed my jumping of the bed.

“That’s good. This will be a good time for the whole family to sit down and…talk,” she said. I stopped jumping, remembering she wanted to talk to me today. I didn’t bother to remind her, because I could already tell that, whatever it was, she wanted to tell all of us together. “Well, carry on. I’ll go and make dinner.”

I was wrong. There was something to kill my happy mood.


“Why are you so happy?” Janice asked. I gave her a side glance as I grabbed my books.

“Because,” I said smiling more.

“Oh, I know. it’s about you and Nathan skipping together yesterday, right?” she asked wriggling her eyebrows.

“What, no! My brothers are coming home!” I yelled, maybe a little too loud. Her face brightened, and we did the girly act of jumping up and down.

“When?” she asked.  Before I could tell her, a thought struck me. I knew Janice, and that she had a “thing” for one of my brothers. Well, maybe all, I don’t really know.

“I’m not telling you,” I said.

“What!? Why not?!” she whined.

“Because you’re my best friend and it’s gross that you have a thing for my brothers,” I said closing my locker. She pouted and folded her arms. I ignored her as I made my way to class.

“Fine, don’t tell me! I will find out, though!” she yelled after me. I rolled my eyes at her over-dramatic behavior. 

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