Chapter 9

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I stalked and paced the front door, wondering what could be taking them so long. It wasn’t a long drive, only two and a half hours.

To the outside world, it would look like I’m obsessed with my brothers, but the truth was that I was just so attached to them. When we were younger, mom and dad was always busy working and building their careers, so all we had were each other. Even after we were at the age where we would normally resent each other, we were still as close as ever.

I heard a car door outside and snapped out of it. I peeked through the window and saw them get out of the car. I waited, not very patiently, for them to get their suitcases and head up the steps.

“Bro’s!” I yelled when the door opened. They smiled at me.

“Sis!” they yelled together. We did a group hug, which consisted of me being smothered between them.

“Where’s Christien?” my oldest brother, Aldrick, asked.

“He’ll be here later,” I said.

“Well, whatever. I’m hungry,” the second eldest, Edmond, said. Brys, the third oldest, agreed and followed Edmond into the kitchen, with Aldrick close behind.

Aldrick, the oldest of the Chambers children, was a twenty year old junior in college. He had the same neatly-kept, dark brown hair as my dad. They were both alike in so many ways: they were stern, kind, and hard-working. Aldrick was in college to be a lawyer, just like my dad. He was the authority figure to us when we were younger, though we never took him seriously.

Edmond, the second oldest, was a nineteen year old sophomore, attending the same university as Aldrick. His hair was the same dark brown, except it was always messy. Edmond loved music and could play countless instruments, like the cello, piano, guitar, flute, violin, and many others. He’s a music major in college. He’s the artistic one and, if you were to see his room, the walls would be filled with paintings and posters of musicians and instruments. His artistic personality has a way of clashing with his slacker personality.

Brys, the third oldest, was eighteen years old and a freshman at the same university as Aldrick and Edmond. He was the quieter one, though he is the loudest when fired up. You can never really tell what he’s thinking unless you were close to him, like we were. Unlike my first two brothers, his hair was a deep black, like my moms. He’s a business major and plans on taking over the restaurant in the future. He also likes to write, and he once told me that he plans on becoming an author as a side job.

My other brother, and my other half, was Christien. He’s my twin, only by ten minutes, and the one I’m closer to. His hair was black, with brown at the tips, unlike mine, which was black with brown mixed in. Christien and I were like two peas in a pod. We loved video games, skateboarding, scary movies, and many other things. The only difference is that his brain is much smarter than mine. He loved learning new things and was a major book junkie. When he wasn’t skateboarding or playing video games, he would have a book in his hand. During this semester in school, he was part of an exchange program in France. He wanted to learn about the “other half” of his heritage. He was already fluent in French, along with many other languages, so it was smooth sailing.

“Cam, I’m hungry,” Edmond whined as he slumped over the counter.

“Well, there’s some leftover meatloaf in the fridge. Ed, you’re not going to die, so calm down,” I said as he dramatically fell to the floor. At the mention of meatloaf, all three boys took off for the fridge.

“Hey, I’m the oldest, so I go first,” Aldrick said as he bumped them out of the way. They double teamed him until he was thrown on the floor. Brys and Edmond high-fived each other as they took out the meatloaf.

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