Chapter 2

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Nathan on the side ^.^


Imagine my excitement of returning to school. Those three days felt like prison without my video games. 

All eyes were on me as I made my way to my locker. When I opened it, letters fell out. I picked one up and read it. It was a thank you/congratulations letter for beating up Nathan. I briefly looked over the other letters and saw they were similar. Well, there were a few that didn't agree with what I did, with a few choice words.

Wait, hold on. When did I turn into a superhero, their guardian of the peace? They think I beat him up to save their ass? You have got to be kidding me.

I did it for all the sleepless people in the world, my lovers of sleep. 

"You're Camille, right?" I turned to be face-to-face with the kid from the other day, the same kid that was shoved inside his locker. I nodded. "Thanks for what you did to Nathan. He deserved it." He smiled, and then winced. He had bruises all over his face and body. He was such a frail looking kid, no wonder he was bullied.

"Sorry to break it to you kid, but I didn't do it for you. That guy woke me up so he had to pay the price," I said as I dumped letters out of my locker to get my books. Did the whole freaking school write me a letter? My god, there was so many!

"I know that already, but I still want to thank you. And everyone else, too. We wish we could have been there to see it," he said smiling. I couldn't help but think how cute he looked when he smiled. Poor kid

"What did you say?" He moved away from Nathan's angry form to my side. I could see fear in his eyes as he stood close to me, partially hiding behind me. 

A sigh escaped my lips as I prepared myself for this annoying confrontation. Couldn't he let bygones be bygones? He was being rude, I politely asked him to shut up, he didn't listen, and I retaliated. It was his fault, right?

Nathan shifted his attention toward me. I saw hate and fury in his icy blue eyes. "It's you," he said with disgust. I slightly cringed at the gesture. Not only was this guy rude and a bully, but also an ass.

"Yep, it's me. At my locker. Minding my own business. What about it?" I said grabbing my books and throwing out more letters.

"I'm going to get my revenge, so be prepared," he said with a smirk. I raised my eyebrow at him, intrigued by his comment. It's not everyday you gain a nemesis and I'm weird enough to enjoy something like this.

"How are you going to do that exactly? By making me fall in love with you or something?" I asked amusingly. I've watched enough romance and chick flicks, against my will, to see where this was going.

He looked taken aback at my question. "Why the hell would I do that?" he asked, again with disgust.

I shrugged. "I don't know. It seemed...appropriate. Yeah, anyways, if you don't mind, I have class," I said bypassing him. He put his arms out to stop me.

"I'm not done talking," he said angrily.

"Well I am. Problem?" I asked smiling. His big and bad act may work on others, but not me. I wasn't afraid of him and I made sure he knew that.

"Yeah, there is. I have a problem with you humiliating me like that. And just so we're clear, you did not win. I was just caught off guard," he said. I really wanted to laugh and grunt at how childish he was being. 

"Dude, I don't care. Just move already. I could care less about your ruined reputation after getting your butt kicked by a girl," I said, clearly becoming annoyed.

He moved his arm and I walked past him. "I will get my revenge," he said. I rolled my eyes and waved at him as I kept walking.

Boys and their manhood...


Things were crazy the rest of the day. Everyone smiled and said good morning to me. I had random people congratulate me. Someone even gave me flowers and chocolate. I ate the chocolate, but it was still pretty weird.

These things never happen to me. 

"You're popular." I looked up from my notebook to see my best friend, Janice, standing over me.

To others, she was just Janice; to me, she was Cali. I first gave her the nickname when she first moved here--which was in middle school--from California. Our personalities were so much alike that we hit it off.

"Please don't remind me," I mumbled.

"Don't look so bummed. That's not the Cammy I know," she said putting her arms around me.

"Yeah, I know. I just feel...uneasy, like something bad's going to happen. I should stay clear of Nathan, too," I said. He did say he was going to get revenge.

"Yeah, you should. He was really pissed after you beat the crap out of him. Anyone who crossed him was...well, their injuries were minor," she said wincing. Oh great. People were getting beat up because of me. 

"You should be careful, too," I told her seriously. He may go after her, too, because of me.

She laughed. "Oh, don't worry about me. If he picks with me, I'll deliver a swift kick to his---" 

"Ok, I get it," I said laughing with her. She put her leg down and laughed with me.



Who did this chick think she was? Better yet, did she even know who I was? Everyone in this school knew not to cross me. Except for this crazy girl in my French class.

Someone who goes that crazy over sleep must be messed up in the head. But somehow, I found her interesting. This was the first time someone hasn't been intimidated by me.

"Yo, Nate. You listening?"

"Hm?" I turned toward my best friend, Jackson. "Did you say something?"

"Yeah, I asked what happened between you and that girl from French class," he said.

"Oh, right. I just told her I'll get my revenge. I seriously think there's something wrong with her head, though," I said. There had to be, right?

"Or maybe she's not scared of you. You don't scare everyone, you know," he said. I punched him in the arm; he gave me one back. "But seriously. What are you going to do? You can't hit a girl."

Despite the rumors floating around about me, I did not hit girls. I knew what kind of guy I was--a jerk and a bully--but I was above putting my hands on women.

"True, but I wasn't planning on hitting her," I said. I suddenly remembered something she said. "I think I have an idea." I told Jackson my plan: I was going to make her fall for me, then leave her heartbroken. She gave me the idea, why not use it? She deserves whatever is coming for her.

"Good luck with that. Do you even know her name?" Jackson asked. I thought as hard as I could. Nothing came to mind. I answered no; Jackson shook his head. "Her name is Camille. We've had French with her for the past three months."

Camille...I let the name roll around on my tongue.

"Are you really going to do this?" Jackson asked. I could see he was skeptical, a bit of worry in his eyes.

"Yep. She has no idea what's coming to her," I said smiling.

You better watch out Camille, because I'm coming for you.

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