Chapter 11

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“Is she here yet?”

“No, so will you stop pacing the door. You look like a dog.” I shot Christien the finger and sat with him on the couch, looking out the window every now and then. Katelyn was coming today, and I was a nervous wreck. I always wanted a sister. Though my brothers were great, having a sister would be nice to.

“We’re here,” dad yelled as he walked through the door. I hurried off the couch, just as Katelyn was walking through the door.

She had dirty blonde hair and the same gray eyes as dad. She gave me a cool expression and I could instantly tell she didn’t like the idea of being here. Oh well, I was going to make her like it here.

“Hi, I’m Camille.” I extended my hand, but she simply ignored it. I grabbed her hand and put it in mine. “Nice to meet you; I’ve always wanted a sister.” She snatched her hand away and glared at me.

The others came to introduce themselves, but she gave them the same cool look. They looked at each other in confusion, and then looked at dad for an answer.

“She’s just shy. Camille, why don’t you show her where she’ll be sleeping? I have to get back to work,” dad said. When mom told me we would be sharing a room, until hers was finished, I was happy to share, but now, not so much.

“So, how was your flight?” I asked heading up the stairs. She didn’t answer me. “Okaaay. Well, this is my room. We’ll be roommates, for the time being. That’s your area.” I pointed to her side of the room, with her dresser bed, and her side of the closet. “I guess I’ll leave you here to unpack.” I waited for a response, and when I received none, headed downstairs.

“What’s wrong with her?” Aldrick asked.

“No idea. I think she hates us,” I said.

“Well, whatever. I’m just glad I don’t have to room with her,” Edmond said. He grabbed my shoulders as he said, “Good luck baby sis.” I knocked his hand away as I stifled a laugh.

“I’ll be fine. I will make it my mission for her to like us. She is our sister after all.” The guys each gave me a pat on the shoulder for good luck. I gave myself a pat, because I need all the luck I can get. I could tell this was going to be a long and hard mission.



After she left, I stood there observing the room. I hated to say it, but this room was awesome. The walls were a dark purple, as was almost everything else in the room. She had posters of video games and skateboarders and, on her dresser, was pictures of her friends and family. there was a flat screen with a PS3 hooked up to it, and games were spread out in front of it.  I envied this girl; she had everything I could ever want.

I unpacked the little bit of clothes I owed, only filling up the dresser. The other things I brought from home were a picture of mom and old bear I always had to keep me company, nothing else.

“Are you hungry? I could go make you something?” I glared at her. I refused to be nice to this retched people. It was their fault I had to suffer. I turned by back to her, and I could hear her sigh loudly. “Okay, look, what the hell is your problem? What have I ever done to make you hate me?”

“None of your damn business,” I said keeping my back to her.

“Don’t you think I at least deserve an explanation?” I didn’t answer, just kept my back to her. “Is it because of my dad?”



“Is it because of my dad?” I asked. She quickly turned to me, anger in her eyes.

His Skater, Her Bully [Book 1]-EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now