Chapter 16

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So, here's Chapter 16! There's a lot of emotions in this chapter! ^.^ Well, enjoy, vote, comment, whatever. BTW thats Jackson on the side :)



Operation Revenge was now underway. The first thing we did was to steal the notebook.

“Okay, you hide in the next room while I lure her out,” Janice whispered. I nodded and slipped inside the guest room next door. I waited by the door, until Janice and that witch came out, laughing and smiling. “It’s a really cool game, I promise. You get to dance and workout at the same town.”

When I was sure they were downstairs, I slipped out and into my room. I immediately went her nightstand and searched the drawers, but it wasn’t there. Neither was it under her pillow, in her backpack, under her bed.

“Where the hell is it?” I mumbled. I sighed, exasperated, and stared at the mattress.

When I focused on it, I could see something sticking out. Lifting up the mattress, I could see the gray notebook lying there. I grabbed it and hurriedly made my way to dads study. I texted Janice, telling her to stall a little longer. I copied them, and then put the notebook back where it belonged. When I heard someone coming, I put the copies under my pillow, and pretended to be on my phones.

She walked in and, before giving me a suspicious look, grabbed her notebook and walked back out. Janice came in soon after she left.

“Did you get it?” she asked. I pulled out the papers and waved them. “Oh hell yeah!” We did a happy dance.

“Tomorrow I’ll talk to Jackson.” I said sitting on my bed.

“You’re going to tell him?” she asked frowning.

“Yeah, he already knows what happened. He told me if I needed anything that I should call him.”

“Let’s just hope he agrees,” she said. “Now, pick a color: green or orange?”

“Hmmm, green. Why?”

“That’s the color her hair will be tomorrow,” Janice said smiling.

“Have I ever told you how much I loved you?”

“Not enough.” We went into the bathroom and poured the green dye into her conditioner. I couldn’t wait until tomorrow.



I knew something was up, but couldn’t put my finger on it.

The next morning, when I got up, it felt like an impending doom was going to fall upon me today. I grabbed my clothes and walked sluggishly to the bathroom to take a shower and wash my hair. I took my time, not caring if anyone else needs to shower. I put the conditioner in my hair. After five minutes, I rinsed it out. I screamed at the reflection, of me with green hair.

I barged out of the bathroom, back the room. Camille was just getting up and, when she saw me furiously standing in the stairway, she smiled.

“You did this,” I accused.

“Why whatever do you mean?” she said, feigning innocence.

You did this to my freaking hair!”

“So what if I did?” she asked, her eyes becoming dark. She stalked toward me, anger in her eyes. “You kissed the guy I liked.  Compared to that, this is nothing.” She was now in my face. “So what if I make your hair green? You can easily get over it, and you can just as easily change it back. I have a broken heart; that’s not easy to get over. Do you fucking understand?!”

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