Chapter 10

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Turns out I was worried for nothing, and then again, I was right to be after the shocking news I received. Mom and dad told us how they were having marriage problems and how they were going to start seeing a counselor. Dad had an affair seventeen years ago, a month before Christien and I were born. The woman he had an affair with got pregnant, and now she’s pushing the child on him. It all sounded like some soap opera.

“So, your stepsister will be staying with us for the time being. She will be attending the same school as Christien and Camille. I know you guys must hate me right now, but I want you to know I never meant to hurt you or your mother. I’m really sorry.” At that moment, my dad did something I never saw him do: cry. He put his face in his hands and cried.

“What’s her name?” I asked. I was kind of pissed at dad for cheating on mom, but I believed he was truly sorry for his actions. I was also proud of him. He was taking responsibility for his actions, though I could tell it was killing him inside.

“Katelyn,” he said wiping his nose.

“Have you met her before?” Aldrick asked in a cool tone. Oh, he was pissed too.

“A couple of times. I was there when she was born.”

“How do you know it’s yours?” Christien asked. He was calm, but I could see the hardness in his eyes.

“I had a DNA test. It was a 99.99% chance I was the father.” The room was silent as no one asked anymore questions. I couldn’t help but wonder how my half-sister was like.

“When will she be here?” I asked with a little eagerness to my tone. My brothers gave me funny looks. “What? It’s best if we embrace this situation. Besides, I’m curious to know who she really is. I’m not your only sister anymore.” They rolled their eyes at me and each took a turn to slap me across the head.

“She’ll be here tomorrow,” dad said grabbing our attention.

“Tomorrow?!” we all yelled in disbelief.

“That’s not enough time to mentally prepare!” Edmond said. The rest of us agreed.

“Sorry,” was all dad said. After that, we all went to our rooms to cope with the news our own way.

“Unbelievable!” I said in my pillow.

“What’s unbelievable?” I jumped up at the sound of his voice.

“What the hell are you doing here?!” Nathan could not be here, in my room. Wait, how did he even get in here? “Did you sneak through the window?!”

“Who knows,” he said making himself comfortable on my bed.

“Get out!” I yelled pointing toward the door.

“Sure, I’ll go. Down the stairs, so your whole family can see me.” My body went cold. “Didn’t think so.”

“Then go out the window.” I towered over him. He was still on my bed and it was making me feel uneasy. He was a little too comfortable.


“I’m not joking.”

“Neither am I.”

“My brothers will kill you.”

“You won’t tell them.”

“Oh won’t I? ‘Oh no, Nathan. Stop touching me in weird places. I said no!’” The smug look disappeared from his face and I smiled in triumph.

Before I could process what happened, I was yanked down to the bed. I wound up sprawled on Nathan. He rolled me onto my back, all the while I was frozen in shock.

“If you can escape, I’ll leave,” he said coming closer.

“Get off of me you pervert,” I said pushing him away. He grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head. He then proceeded to kiss my neck. I felt my arms go weak and stop struggling. He whispered my name as he worked on my neck. I had no idea what he was doing, and I didn’t question it. When he was finished, he made his way upward, to my cheeks, and closer to my mouth. I wanted this, I knew it deep down. I ignored the voice yelling at me to stop. He gave me a light kiss on the cheek and rolled over.

I sat up and instinctively touched my neck. It felt kind of weird…I looked at Nathan, who was giving me a mischievous smile. I went to my mirror and, to my horror, found a hickey on my neck.

“You didn’t,” I said in disbelief.

“Oh I did.” This asshole did not just give me a hickey! “You seemed to enjoy it, seeing that you didn’t stop me.” I felt myself blush. I walked over, stood on my bed, and kicked him repeatedly.

“Get out. Right now.” He stopped my foot and sat up.

“But baby its cold outside,” he sang.

“That’s not funny,” I said holding back laughter. No, I cannot be distracted. If my brothers came in and saw him…I was afraid to finish that thought. “Can you please leave?”

“Fine, but I’ll be back tomorrow,” he said heading to the window.

“No, not tomorrow.”

“Why not?” he now had one foot out the window.

“Because. Just come the day after,” I said shoving him out. He nodded his head and jumped from the window. He waved at me before running to his car and driving away.

When mom called us down for dinner, I threw on a turtle neck and headed downstairs.



I sat in the airport, waiting for my plane to come. It was five in the morning and I would have to endure a four hour flight. I thought over the previous night.

“Mom, please let me stay. I don’t want to live with him,” I begged my mom.

“Don’t be stupid! Why would I want you, the damned child of that man? Because of you, he left me!” By he, she meant “the love of her life”, Jeremy. After he found out I wasn’t really his, a week after I was born, he left her. Since then, she’s been with various men to fill the void, all the while I suffered.

“Please, I promise I won’t be a burden anymore! Don’t make me go!” With that, she slapped me. She grabbed an umbrella and proceeded to beat me with it. I took the beating, as always. All I’ve ever wanted was for her to love me, but, thanks to my so-called father, she never did.

As they called for my flight, I snapped out of my memory. I winced as I made my way there, the bruises still raw.


I decided to put in Katelyn's part, just so you could see a little into her life. Yeah, I know; a new character. I noticed how my story is starting to take a whole new direction. -___-

Well, anyway, hope you enjoyed it. ^.^

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