Sucking Up

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"I hate cooking," Kim whined, throwing herself on the chair closest to the window. Everyone had moved to the living room.

"Must suck to be you," Jade mocked. Her and Deidara had really hit it off and became fast-friends through their mutual love and respect for art. They were sitting next to each other on the sofa to continue their discussion. Nagato and Konan were sitting next to them. Kakashi sat on the ottoman near Kim's chair hunched forward reading an orange book that he pulled out of his pouch. Hana took the other chair. Sakura and Hinata sat crossed legged on the floor in front of Naruto, who had moved the coffee table, and was spread out starfish-style on the floor.

Itachi was on the floor with one knee bent up, leaning against the chair that Kim was sitting on while Sasuke was on the other side, his spiky hair just barely brushing her leg every time he moved. She was a little weirded out by that. They were always around her, not that she minded, it was just strange. Even as cats they were always near. She didn't know if she should say something or not. She didn't want to come off as rude, but wasn't it rude to follow someone.

"Kim, are you okay?" Jade had noticed her friend looked a bit troubled. She didn't know what was bothering her, but she was going to find out.

"What," she snapped out of her thoughts. "Oh, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You look like something is bothering you," Sakura added in. She had also seen the conflicted look on the ebony haired girl's face.

"Is it that obvious," Kim questioned, her cheeks taking on a light pink dusting.

"J-just a bit," Hinata added in shyly, poking her fingers together.

"Is it girl problems?" Hana being blunt as ever questioned. All the girls snapped their heads to face Hana. The guys just shifted awkwardly, save for Kakashi who was too absorbed in his book. Kim and Hinata's faces turned a bright shade of pink.

"Hana, not in front of the guys," Sakura chided.

"What! It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's a fact of life," Hana defended herself with a nonchalant shrug.

"She does have a point," Konan agreed with the Inuzuka.

"Exactly!" Hana exclaimed. The boys, who were actually paying attention, were looking on with interest.

"Hey! How did we get to this? That's not what's bothering me." The guys sighed in relief. Relief, because they weren't going to have to sit through a talk about girl problems. "I was just wondering why Itachi and Sasuke follow me around all the time-" she cut herself off. She couldn't believe she had said that out loud. She covered her mouth with her hands, and tried to make herself as small as possible.

That caught everyone's interest. Kakashi lowered his book, and took a look at the two brothers. They were both rigid. They didn't even realize that they were sticking to Kim's side.

"Hey, Teme! Do you have a crush? Is the big Teme in love," Naruto teased, making kissy faces at Sasuke. Sakura liked Kim, but that didn't mean she couldn't be a little miffed at the thought of Sasuke liking her.


"Damn it, Sasuke! Answer me!" Naruto shouted, jumping up onto his feet. He started to push back his sleeves, in a sign that he was ready for a fight. Sasuke sat up a little straighter, but before Naruto could make a move, Sakura was already standing behind him.

"Naruto," she growled. He stood straight as a rod. He turned around slowly.

"S-Sakura-chan!" He shouted with his arms stretched out wide. She was about to hit him, but decided not to. She just narrowed her eyes and took a seat on the unclaimed ottoman, with her arms crossed.

Stupid Mooching KittensTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang