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The next morning was rather strained.

Ren had went and woken up all they boys at five in the morning. He found Kakashi asleep on the couch with his orange book still clutched in his left hand. He handed the white haired man a set of clean clothes and directed him towards his bathroom. His next victims was Itachi, though the young man was already awake. Next was Nagato. He made some spastic movements before waking up fully, when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Nagato's spasms caused Deidara to be violently thrown off the bed. The blond was about to shout something, when he was silenced by the glares he received from the other men in the room. Like with Kakashi, he handed the three a set of clean clothes and told them to shower and get dressed. Deidara called dibs on the first shower.

Ren's next victims were Sasuke and Naruto. Like Nagato, Naruto reacted violently. He did not know how, but the blond boy had somehow managed to land on top of the other boy, who was sleeping in the bunk beneath him. The dark haired boy did not react too kindly to being rudely awakened, and attacked the other boy. Ren could not help but be reminded of his daughter, and made a mental note to send someone else in to wake the dark haired boy.

The guys all wore jeans, and most of them opted to wear their own shirts. Kakashi kept his long sleeve shirt on. Itachi kept his V-neck shirt on. Naruto grabbed a white shirt and wore his jacket. Deidara, Sasuke and Nagato all borrowed one of Ren's T-shirts. Ren also lent them all a pair of Converse; he had a vast collection, courtesy of his daughter who was obsessed with the brand.

At around six, everyone was showered and dressed for the day.

Jade was the first of the girls up in the morning. She showered and dressed. She wore a pair of pink skinny jeans, a black and white horizontal stripped shirt, with a pair of nude sandals. She wanted her new friends, more like new Barbie dolls, to look good on their trip to the mall. Jade walked into her closet, and started contemplating on who would look good in what. She needed more time to think, and with a smirk she walked into the lion's den, AKA Kim's room. She raided Kim's closet.

She knew what her friend liked to wear. So she chose as pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a green and blur plaid button up shirt, her favorite soft gray cardigan, and a pair of black sandals with thick black straps. She held the clothes in her arms as she jumped up and down on Kim's bed. She jumped to the side when her best friend tried to kick her off the bed. Jade sat on top of Kim, and was met with a glare. She only smiled and held out the bundle of clothes. Kim got off her bed with an angry face, and stalked off to her bathroom to get ready for the day.

Jade continued sitting on the bed before running over to Kim's closet and going in. She stole a few articles of clothing and returned to her room, and promptly went into her own closet.

For Hinata she chose a pair of blue jeans, a white tank top to wear under her jacket, and a pair of gray sandals. For Sakura she chose a pair of yellow skinny jeans, a flowy cream colored strapless shirt with a blue jacket, and a pair of black sandals. For Konan she chose a dark blue baby doll shirt, a pair of black capris, and matching dark blue flats. For Hana she chose a pair of skinny jeans, a long sleeved dark pink sweater shirt, with a pair of gray flats with little bows on the toes.

Jade thought over her fashion choices in her head, imagining what they would look like. When she was sure that they would look great, she made her way to the other girls' room. She woke them all up threw their clothes at them. When they tried to tell her they didn't want to burden her with having to wear her clothes, she told them that she didn't mind. She was just happy to have more girl friends that she could play dress up with, and that some of the clothes belonged to Kim as well.

Soon everyone was dressed and sitting in the living room. Hinata decided to forgo her jacket, which caused Naruto's eyes to linger on a certain part of her anatomy. If she had noticed, she would have been so red that tomatoes would be jealous. Sakura was sitting quietly next to Sasuke, and was sneaking glances at him every few minutes. When he would meet her gaze, she would blush prettily and look away only to start the process all over again. Nagato and Konan were once again sitting next to each other. Kim was taking advantage of her new brother and snuggled up to Itachi's side sleeping with her feet on Jade's lap. Jade was talking with Hana, who was sitting on an ottoman. Kakashi was sitting between Nagato and Hinata, reading his beloved orange book. Deidara was on the floor complaining about unfair treatment, and Ren was in the kitchen cooking breakfast muttering things about it being a woman's job, which caused him to receive many glares.

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