The Game

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The month of December passed in a blur. Before they even knew it they were celebrating Christmas and exchanging gifts. Deidara had given Jade a pair of gold brushed rose earrings. Nagato had gotten Konan a navy blue woven bracelet with amber colored beads weaved throughout it, and a large powder blue flower, similar to the one she wore in her hair, on the center.

The only problem there was, was with the mistletoe. Kim had gotten stuck under the mistletoe with Hinata more than once, and they took it like champs and kissed every time; Hinata having initiated the first kiss, stating that it really wasn't the first time. When Naruto and Sasuke got stuck under there, they refused to kiss. No one let them leave until they did so, and the next morning all the mistletoe had been taken down and burned.

They were all sitting around the living room Christmas evening after eating dinner. They were watching The Nightmare Before Christmas, while drinking Ren's special Mexican hot chocolate.

"So guys," Ren called out, getting everyone's attention, though most didn't look away from the movie. "What do you guys think about spending New Years in Mexico?" That got certainly got their attention.

"M-Mexico," Jade managed to sputtered out, hot chocolate dribbling down her chin.

"Yeah, well not exactly Mexico, but an island just off the coast of Guatemala. I thought it would be nice to get out of town for a while," the man explained, gauging their reactions. "I did some research and found this resort that had its own water park and a spa. It looked good, and it's even located on a private beach."

"Yes," Kim and Jade exploded at the same time, his daughter jumping to her feet.

"Wait," Kim said, halting her dancing. "How are we going to get there? Jade's car can't take the mileage, we won't all fit in your truck, and I refuse to get on a plane."

"Why won't you get on a plane," Itachi asked.

"She has a fear of planes, and heights," Jade responded, looking back to Ren expectantly.

"I already thought of that," Ren reassured his daughter, trying not to laugh at her panicked expression. "I'm going to get a rental van for the trip. No Jade, it's not one of those soccer mom vans. It's a van that seats up to twelve people." He looked over to his daughter with distaste. "Kinda like the one you heathens used to ride to get to Sunday school, before you got kicked out for referring to yourself as the Spawn of Satan."

Kim giggled. "That old woman called me the Anti-Christ, I just went with it."

"But there's thirteen of us, 'ttebayo," Naruto asked seeing the look on Ren's face, and trying to avoid the awkward father-daughter argument that was sure to happen.

"For once, the idiot is right," Sasuke said. Before Naruto could utter a word Ren spoke again.

"Well I guess one of you will have to sit on someone's lap." He didn't really care, since he was going to be either driving or in the passenger's seat.

"Fine, but it's winter and we don't have swimsuits," Kim stated. The last swimsuit she owned was a blue one-piece she last wore when she was ten.

"Don't worry about that, I've already taken care of it," Jade assured with a wave of her hand. "Remember when we went on a shopping spree with my father's stolen credit card? I wanted to be prepared, so I bought us some, but no one can see them until we get there."

"I can always go to the gift shop," Kim muttered with a pout, leaning into Kakashi's side, the man patting her on the head.

"When are we leaving," Nagato asked.

"Tomorrow morning. We'll be staying there until next Sunday. So pack your bags and make sure you don't forget anything," Ren informed as he walked to his room.

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