Movies and Randomness

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Once again all twelve of the loft's occupants, excluding Ren, were lounging around the living room. The four youngest of the group had just gotten back from their first day of school, and they were relaying the highlights of their day.

"You should have seen her, dattebayo! I didn't think she was going to do anything, but I was wrong. Dead wrong, 'ttebayo! Sakura-chan just got up and walked over to him calmly. When she got there she started acting all cute, like she hadn't just seen him sucking face with some other chick. Then as she was talking she grabbed a handful of spaghetti, and then BAM! She threw it in his face! She even shoved garlic bread down his pants! When that other girl tried hitting Sakura-chan, she tripped her! That girl landed in another girl's cake! After that the entire cafeteria broke out into a food fight! It was so much fun, dattebayo," Naruto retold the events of their lunch break.

Hinata was shaking her head and giggling along with Konan and Hana. Sasuke sat there smirking while Itachi was shaking his head at his little brother. Kim, Deidara, and Nagato were full out laughing. Kakashi was surprised to hear that was all she had done to the guy, he knew of her temper that rivaled that of the Hokage's. Jade was raving on about their ruined outfits slightly reminding Sakura of another blonde.

"Did any of you join a sports team," Ren questioned them eagerly. "I've always wanted to be able to go to my child's games or meets, but Kimberly ruined that for me."

"What the hell, dad! I was practically finished with school by the time I even met you," Kim retorted in her own defense, glaring at her father.

"No one told you to graduate THREE years early! You damn nerd," Ren said crossing his arms in defiance.

"I wasn't even in public school! I was home-schooled, remember? I remember you giving me so much grief when it came taking me to go take the standardized tests."

"Excuses," muttered Ren making Kim throw her arms up in exasperation. "So did anyone join a sports team?"

"Once me and the Teme learned how to play, and the coach asked us to join the basketball team," Naruto stated nonchalantly. Ren was so excited that he jumped up and gave the boys a bear hug.

"This is so exciting," Ren exclaimed. "What about you girls?" They shook their heads in the negative.

"You guys should join the cheerleading squad," Jade shouted her suggestion, though everyone in the room knew that it really wasn't. Kim rolled her eyes. "I was a cheerleader in high school! It's so much fun! You get to go to all the sporting events for free, they even give you snacks, and you get to wear the cute little uniforms," she gushed. The two girls told her they would try out, causing her to squeal in excitement.

"It's not even real gymnastics. It's all stiff movements and pep," Kim grumbled under her breath. "Not to mention all the glitter. It's not like any of the teams have ever made it to the semi-finals or anything."

"Someone's salty," Kakashi whispered into her ear, followed by a light chuckle. She glared at him. He gave her a cheeky grin. "I've always been partial to the performing arts. The ballet in particular."

"Shut up," Kim whined, knocking the man with her shoulder.

"I'm bored," Hana announced to the room in an attempt to take Itachi's hard stare off of the Hatake and his little sister. It seemed to work.

"Movie marathon," Kim suggested with a shrug of her shoulder. She looked around getting the approval of the group. "Hana picks the first movie."

Hana nodded and got up from her seat. She walked over to one of the two selves on either side of the mounted tv that contained all the movies they owned. After skimming through the movies, she found one she thought would be cute. Holding up the movie for the others to see, she waited to hear their responses.

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