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"Don't just stand there, you idiots," the man with the graying brown hair, who turned out to be the leader of a group of assassins trying to take over the world, roared as he shakily heaved himself up from the ground. Rivulets of blood ran down the length of his arms and face from where pieces of glass had embedded themselves into his skin. Placing on hand on his knee to steady himself, he gave a death glare to ninja. "Get them!" As soon as he gave his men their order to attack, the unnamed leader of the assassins stood up straight, jumped out of the window, and made his getaway.

After receiving their orders, it was safe to say that all hell broke loose. The soldiers, who turned out to be highly trained assassins, attempted to herd them into the kitchen area. When the men started to close in on the ninja, they reacted quickly and started to fight back the best they could in closed quarters. While they fended off the assassins, they started to slowly make their way towards the broken windows and jump out, one by one, until they were all standing behind the shop, facing the woods.

In the end, it turned out to be a bad idea. They were surrounded by even more men in bulky black uniforms armed with even more guns. The men and women surrounding them started to take aim and began to fire. The ninja, not wanting to find out how it would feel to be shot, got out of the way and started to dodge the barrage of bullets or deflect them with chakra enhanced kunai.

To make matters even worse, there were three helicopters hovering just above the tree line, most likely carrying more men with loaded weapons, possibly snipers onboard, and other men in surveillance van or on motorcycles. Jade had to hold back a snort when she saw that the motorcycles were 'Ninja' motorcycles. She highly doubted that those motorcycles could keep up with an actual ninja.

Suddenly they were all blinded by spotlights being shined on them from above by the helicopters.

"What do we do now," Hinata gasped, deflecting a bullet that was aimed at her chest, her quiet voice just barely being heard over the engines of the vehicles and the helicopters' blades cutting the wind.

"We fight our way out of here," Kakashi answered her, taking charge of the situation. "But don't use anything too dangerous unless absolutely necessary. We don't want to try anything too risky, and wind up hurting one another. Also nothing to flashy. We don't need to draw any more attention to us than we already have."

"Let's kick some bad guy butt," Naruto and Kim shouted together, which really freaked everyone out. The two were a little too much alike at times. Jade was only happy that her dark haired best friend had finally broken out of her shell, and revealed the pearl that was hidden within.

"Let's avoid anything major, and just get out of here," Konan, being the voice of reason, stated. They had no idea what they were up against along with how many more assassins could be on the way. Hinata had previously confirmed that they were completely outnumbered, and despite them knowing the types of weapons they were facing, they were hardly able to keep up with the onslaught of bullets. Not to mention, the possibility of explosives or various types of gasses.

Naruto was about to start complaining when Nagato stepped forward, and grabbed his cousin by the arm before disappearing into the woods with the others hurriedly following after the Uzumaki duo. They were all head towards the same destination, the clearing deep within the woods, as bullets whizzed passed them.

When they finally reached the clearing, they soon realized their mistake. They had walked right in to a trap. The assassins knew they would try to avoid putting the lives of civilians in danger, and would try to escape into the woods, but they were prepared. They had more men hidden within the forest, which was out of Hinata's Byakugan's line of sight, waiting for the ninja to arrive. Once the ninja were in the woods, the men quickly surrounded them. The helicopters with their bright spotlights flew overhead, and the men on the motorcycles weaved through the trees trying to get closer.

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