School and Training

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At six in the morning, Ren made his way down the stairs, banging on the bedroom doors, only a few minutes ago he had received a phone call pertaining to the youngest four of his ten dimension-hopping house guests. When banging on the doors failed to wake them, he resorted to plan B. Walking into the rooms he turned on the lights and pulled off the covers. He was met with a bit of resistance from some, but those he just smacked awake. Soon he had them all sitting in the living room area still dressed in their pajamas. Most wore dangerous glares, other fought to hold back yawns and struggled to keep their eyes open. How adorable.

"So, I got a phone call this morning," he started. No one was paying him any attention. "Hinata, Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke have to go to school." That certainly got everyone's attention.

"What," the three sixteen year olds shouted, jumping to their feet. The fifteen year old simply nodded in understanding, resigned to her fate.

"The three of you are only sixteen years old, and like all sixteen year olds you have to go to school," Ren stated the obvious.

"But we graduated from the academy when we were twelve," Sakura tried to reason.

"You graduated from a school in a different dimension, it doesn't count," Jade put in, attempting to diffuse the situation, like gasoline on a fire. "They don't have any records of you guys. So, you have to go." The four ninja made faces of distaste. "It's either go to school, or pay a fine and your guardian goes to jail. Right Kim?"

"Don't ask me. I never enrolled," Kim replied, snuggling deeper into the sofa.

"Why do we have to go?! Kim didn't go, dattebayo," Naruto shouted. He was hit with a decorative sofa pillow.

"I was home-schooled," the girl hissed, shaking her head. "I went for like a week for placement tests, and to visit the classes I could be placed in. I didn't enroll because I tested for high school level classes at twelve, when usually a person would enter the ninth grade at fifteen. They insisted it would be in my best interest to stay with students my own age. So... homeschooling."

"Can I be homeschooled as well," Sasuke asked, taking a liking to the idea.

"No," Ren declined bluntly. "Mainly because someone would have to be making sure that you guys would actually do all of the assigned work, and the other reason is, no one actually wants to do that."

The three sixteen year olds of Team 7 looked at the other occupants of the room with varying degrees of pleading eyes. Every person that they made eye contact with shook their heads in a silent no. Some smirked at them. Kim reminded that that she was only seventeen, and not yet a legal adult. Sasuke glared at nothing in particular. Naruto pouted. Sakura crossed her arms and groaned. Hinata remained silent, having already decided to make the best of it.

"When do we have to go to school," Sasuke asked the question on all their minds.

"In about an hour," Ren replied. Everyone's jaws dropped. Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto, and surprisingly Hinata all groaned at the news. The others laughed at their misfortune.

Jade jumped up, grabbing Hinata and Sakura by their arms and escorted them to her room to play dress up. Naruto and Sasuke begrudgingly went to get dressed for their first day of school.

"We have less than an hour to make you guys look cute for your first day of school!"

"Someone carry me back to bed," Kim moaned, though she was ignored as everyone tiredly shuffled back to their rooms to get some more sleep.

A figure loomed over Kim.

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