Cooking, Baking, and Decorating

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    "Where are we going," Sasuke asked from the backseat of the truck. He had gotten in an argument with Naruto about who would get to sit in the front with Kim. Kim had gotten frustrated and ended up pulling Hinata from the backseat to sit in the front. Sakura had to sit between the two boys. Whenever they tried to hit each other she would threaten them, and they would stop.

    "I want a smoothie, so we're going to this juice bar I like," she responded. "You guys want one? Hinata can you text my dad or Kakashi to ask if they want one?" Hinata texted Ren, and the others took time to think about what they wanted. They soon arrived at the drive-through window. After asking what they all wanted, Kim ordered their drinks.

    "You know, I can't believe that you and Naruto both fell down the stairs," Sakura told Kim as they were walking up the stairs to the loft.

    "She tripped me, 'ttebayo," Naruto shouted pointing an accusing finger at the ebony haired girl.

    "What the hell! You tripped me." Kim was glaring at the blond.

    "And I can't believe the Dobe understood something without someone having to explain it to him ten times," Sasuke added.

    "Who are you calling a Dobe, Teme?!"

    "Tch, Dobe."



    "Well I think they're home," Kakashi said to Ren when he heard the heated argument at the door.

    "Whatever you say Pretty Boy," Ren said nonchalantly as he placed another pan of cupcakes into the oven, and took one out. Kakashi glared at the back of the man's head. A little bit after Kim had left, Kakashi decided he to eat the sticky treat from his fingers when the other man turned his back. When Ren had seen his face, and ever since then Ren had been making not so subtle comments on his appearance.

    "Hey guys! We're back," Kim announced as she walked through the front door. She held out the cup holder for her father and Kakashi to take their drinks.

    "Why are my cute little students back," Kakashi asked, eyeing the three and the Hyuga.

    "They're not the only thing that's cute," Ren muttered with glee. Kim gave the white haired man a look, to which he just shook his head.

    "The school ran into a few maintenance problems." She waved it off like it was nothing. "I thought you would be done with those by now," she said gesturing to the rice crispy treats. He made a face. She held her hands up in surrender, backing off.

    "Hey you four, don't just stand there come over here and help," Ren ordered. "Start making the mini pizzas. As many as you can make. You guys can use the second oven." He instructed them to take the chilled pizza dough out of the refrigerator, how to make the sauce, prep the toppings, and to grate the cheese. The four had just gathered the things that they needed when they were interrupted by Kim as she walked back into the kitchen.

    "Wait change out of your costumes before you start. That way you won't get them dirty," she explained. She pointed to herself, Kakashi and Ren as an example. She was back to wearing her orange t-shirt and black shorts. Kakashi was only in his tight black sleeveless shirt with the mask and a pair of army green sweats. Ren was in a blue t-shirt and jeans.

    The four did as told and changed into their gym clothes. Naruto wore a pair of black basketball shorts and an orange t-shirt. Sasuke too wore black basketball shorts and a purple t-shirt. Hinata wore a pair of gray yoga pants and a blue tank. Sakura had on a pair of black shorts and a red camisole. After they had changed they all got to work.

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