Secret Romances and Faulty IDs

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"So... Hana, you like Itachi," Jade asked nonchalantly as she was rifling through a clothing rack. She looked at a shirt, shook her head, and moved on to the next one. She repeated the process a few more times, before pulling a shirt out.

"W-what," the Inuzuka sputtered, spitting out most of the smoothie she was drinking out on Deidara's shirt. The blond was about to start a rant on how he should blow her up for that, but Jade cut him off with a smack to the back of his head. He lifted the one of the smoothies that he was holding to put it on the bump that was forming on the back of his head.

"You heard me," Jade stated the obvious. "I asked you, if you like Itachi? The really pretty guy with the long black hair."

Hana stayed quiet. She didn't know if she should talk to Jade about Itachi. Should she? Maybe the other girl could help her sort out her thoughts. The Inuzuka looked around the store, avoiding the question at hand. Was she really ready to talk about it? When he had left, she didn't have anyone to talk to about it. Their love had been a secret. Late night meetings, and small similes and soft touches exchanged as they passed by. Holding hands at the lake when they were certain no one else was around.

He had been engaged to another member of his clan at the time, Izumi Uchiha, the reason they had to be kept a secret. He never loved the girl. When he was told that she was to be his wife, he was shocked but he couldn't turn her down. He was a part of the main family of the Uchiha Clan. The heir no less. As an Uchiha he had certain duties to fulfill. The worst part was that the two had planned to come out as a couple the very next day. She had always considered their relationship Konoha's best kept secret.

When she heard the news of the Uchiha Massacre she couldn't believe it. She didn't want to believe that the boy she loved was behind it. Though Itachi came off as quiet, intimidating, and unapproachable, she knew better. She had seen him for who he really was. He was a pacifist. He often spoke about how he dreamed of a future where there didn't have to be anymore wars, and how the ninja world could one day be at peace.

It had always pained her to hear his younger brother, the one person Itachi cared most deeply for, speak of his goal to avenge his clan by killing him. She knew that there was something wrong with the situation. The Itachi she knew would never do something like that. When she had heard of his death, she had locked herself away in her room refusing to come out or even eat. It had scared her little brother and mother to death. They were the only reason she did not give up on herself.

When she had first woken up in a different dimension as a cat, she was terrified beyond belief. When she found out Itachi was there with her, alive and breathing, she didn't know what to do. At first, she thought it was all a dream, but as the days passed, she knew it was not and for that she was eternally grateful.

She knew the answer to Jade's question. The real question was, did Itachi still love her. That was the question that she wanted answered, though at the same time she did not want it to be answered. Was he even the same Itachi that she once knew. He and his brother seemed to be getting along. They even managed to find the sister they always wanted. She had no problem with all the things he had done, she could over-look it all. All for him. Love really was blind.

"I don't like him," she finally answered after a moment of contemplation.

"Ha! Take that you stupid Uchiha! Who would ever like you, un," Deidara shouted merrily. He started to dance around the two girls, drawing at bit of attention to himself. He looked really weird at that moment. He had a smoothie pressed up against the back of his head and another one in his other hand, and he was dancing while trying not to spill them.

"LIAR," Jade shouted drawing even more attention to their small group of three. She turned around to face all the staring people. "What do you all think this is?! Some TV drama?! Keep it moving people! Keep it moving," She shouted, shooing the bystanders away. When they all stopped staring, she rounded on Hana. "You like him. I know you do." Hana sighed.

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