Heartbroken + Lovestruck

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It was Friday morning, one more day before Saturday's 'family' dinner. Thanks to Abigail and Carter, the ninja had been introduced to cell phones. Needless to say they all wanted one, and Ren, Kim, and Jade had to teach them how to work them. Soon the ninja were sending texts, making calls, and surfing the Internet(Ren got the luxury of explaining that one) like pros.

The morning was slow, and the group of twelve were all at work, and all bored out of their minds.

Conference text:

'I'm so bored. - Konan'

'I'm not. I'm reading a magazine called Playboy. - Nagato'

'Why are you looking at naked women? - Jade'

'Nagato! - Konan'

'They're not completely naked. - Nagato'

'We're surrounded by perverts. - Sakura'

'Who else is a pervert? - Konan'

'Kakashi-sensei and Naruto. - Sakura'

'I know Kakashi reads porn, but Naruto? - Hana'

'I'm not a pervert! - Naruto'

'It's not porn. - Kakashi'

'He has this Sexy Jutsu. - Sakura'

'What's that? - Itachi'

'You don't want to know. - Sasuke'

'You'll love it! - Kakashi'

'Kakashi, stop trying to turn my brother into a pervert. - Sasuke'

'Can't turn what already is. - Deidara'

'Itachi? - Sasuke'

'No comment. - Itachi'

'Told you! - Deidara'

'Shouldn't we be getting back to work? - Hinata'

'Add Kim to the list. - Jade'

'What list? - Nagato'

'The perverted persons list. - Jade'

'How is Kim a pervert? - Hana'

'You know what they say. It's always the quiet ones. - Jade'

'I'm not a pervert! - Kim'

'Yet another side of Kim. - Kakashi'

'Screw you! - Kim'

'Wow! - Konan'

'Not like that! - Kim'

'I rest my case. - Jade'

'If the quiet ones are closet perverts, wouldn't that mean Hinata and Konan are ones too? - Naruto'


'Get back to work! - Ren'

'Who invited the old man? - Jade'

'I'm 36! - Ren'

They all put away their phones, and got back to work. Jade had a plan to make her two friends look perfect for their dates that night. She sent the other girls a text, making sure to leave out Sakura and Kim, and let them in on her plan. They planned out what needed to be done.

When they all got back to the loft, the girls dragged Kim and Sakura off to Kim's room. They told them the game plan, before making them go shower. While they waited for Kim and Sakura to finish showering and shaving, they set up everything in the room.

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