The Accident

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It had been three days since their impromptu shopping trip. For those who had to wake up early for work that Tuesday morning, it was slow and tiring. While Sakura, Hana, Nagato, Itachi, and Sasuke were still sleeping in, the others were moving sluggishly around the house getting ready for the day. Kim did not have to be at work that day but still had to wake up early to run the shop while Ren was away.

Sasuke was yelling at Naruto to stop making so much noise when the blond hit his head on the bed above him. Nagato and Itachi were having the same problem with Deidara and Kakashi. Deidara was only making so much noise to bother Itachi. Kakashi was doing it for reasons unknown to them, but he was really enjoying it on the inside. Naruto probably was rubbing off on him, or maybe he was just a sadist; there was a chance that it could be both.

The girls were having little to no problems. The only problem they had run in to that morning was who got to use the bathroom first, though that problem was easily resolved when Kim had told them that they could use hers as well. Sakura had slept through all the noise, after years of camping with Naruto and enduring his loud snoring and sleep talking, she was pretty much used to all the noise. Kim was sitting at the kitchen bar trying to keep herself from falling asleep in her cup of morning tea.

"Kim," Jade shouted in said girl's ear, a musical lilt to her voice. The ebony haired girl jumped in surprise.

"Go to hell," Kim growled around a limb-stretching yawn. She sent a glare at the dirty blonde before resting her head down on the countertop.

"Well aren't you the a ray of sunshine this morning," Kakashi commented from where he was sitting on the kitchen counter beside refrigerator, working his way through a plate of sunny-side up eggs and toast curtesy of the resident Hyuga. Kim shot a glare at him, which he returned with one of his signature crinkled eye smiles.

"Does anyone want extra bacon," Hinata asked as she held up a plate. Kakashi and Jade both swiped a few pieces, and Naruto and Konan were having a stare down for the last one. Hinata offered the last piece to Kim, to which she just shook her head silently saying no. Deidara walked up and popped the last piece into his mouth. Naruto and Konan mourned the loss of the crispy goodness.

Kim stood up, deciding that it was time for her to start getting dressed. As soon as she stood she was hit with a feeling of lightheadedness. She lost her balance and had to grab onto Jade's shoulder to steady herself. When the others asked her if she was alright, she waved them off and told them that it was because she stood up to fast. Kakashi raised an eyebrow at her, but said nothing about it.

Much too soon for everyone's tastes, it was time for them to head off to work and start the day. Jade straightened out her hot pink skirt and made sure her cream colored blouse was tucked in properly. She then started complaining about how Kakashi should take off his mask, with Naruto supporting her argument.

Kakashi just tuned them out as he finished his breakfast, tanking Hinata as he was his plate. Noticing the girl's struggles, Kakashi made his way towards Kim and helped her roll her long sleeves up to her elbows. He couldn't help but take notice of the weak stealing grip she had on his arm. When he asked if she was alright, she assured him she was fine, just tired. Reluctantly, he released the grip her hand on her arm, taking note of her racing pulse. She gave him a smile before telling the others she was heading down before walking out the door.

Half of the ten ninja and Jade slowly began their trek to work, pausing only to say bye to Kim as they passed her at the receptionist's desk.

Kakashi spent the entire walk to the mall reading his book, generally ignoring the others. Jade and Naruto were contemplating all the different ways they could get him to take off his mask, or see him without it on. Konan was trying to get Hinata to admit to her crush on Naruto by wiggling her eyebrows and motioning to the blond in question. Deidara was on another rant about his art that no one was really paying any attention to. Once the group reached the mall they all went their separate ways, aside from Jade and Deidara.

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