Healing and Realizations

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    "What happened," the pink haired girl demanded, voice calm though on the inside she was anything but. After a complete rundown of the situation, she ordered her sensei to keep his hand steady as she placed chakra covered hands on either side of his hand. She assessed the internal damage, cursing when she discovered the punctured lung.

    "I don't know," he replied, fighting to remain calm, though it didn't show on his face. It wouldn't do any good for him to panic. "When I got here she was already..." He ran his free hand through his hair, coating it red in the process. "Why didn't anyone else... Why wasn't anyone else around? She could have died!"

    "Itachi and Sasuke were down here, but she kicked them out; telling them not to disturb her while she was working," Hana replied. "She told us that she couldn't have any distractions, and that she would come back up to the loft when she was finished."

    "Hana, she's going into v-fib," Sakura called out to the Inuzuka when she felt the older girl's heart begin to beat erratically. Hana rushed over and placed both of her hands over Kim's chest, steadily pumping her chakra towards her heart, sending small electrical pulses towards the organ.

    The two girls worked on in silence. Kakashi held the injured girl in his arms, refusing to let her go, though no one dared to ask him to. Hana monitored her heat, while Sakura worked on healing the wounds. Slowly, ever so slowly, she managed to draw out the blood that had made its way in to Kim's lung and closed the laceration. From there she began repairing the damage caused by the puncture. Finally she managed to get the bleeding under control.

    At some point, she had sent Konan back up to the loft to retrieve some much needed materials. Sakura opted to close the wound with stitches rather than using chakra to heal it completely.

    "Sakura," Hana called out slightly panicked. "She's lost to much blood. Her heart can't take much more. If this keeps up she could go into cardiac arrest." She began to manually pump Kim's heart in order to keep her heart beat up. "I don't understand," she gasped between chest compressions. "She's perfectly healthy... why's her heart so weak."

    At that Nagato had to restrain the Uchiha brothers from rushing forward. They struggled and fought him, trying to break free of his hold. It was only when Sakura snapped at them, stating they would be of no help, and get in her way which would make matters worse. She then turned back to her job.

    Sakura did a quick scan over Kim's body, and found that Hana was right. The girl had lost about thirty-nine percent of her blood, approximately four pints, and she only just had managed to get the bleeding under control. If she bled any more then Sakura risked the chance of losing her. Sakura needed to perform a blood transfusion, and fast.

    The pink haired girl ran into a few problems. She knew that she could perform the transfusion with little to no problems, but where would she get the blood. Ren was still in jail, but she didn't know his blood type and she needed a match. She would have asked Kakashi since his blood type was O, the universal blood type, but the man had just recently been on antibiotics for strep throat. What she needed was Ren or a blood type match, and that was not the only problem. The donor would have to be willing to donate about twice the normal amount which would be risky for the donor.

    "I going to need to perform an emergency blood transfusion," Sakura stated. "The problem is; Ren isn't here, and there's no way that he would get here in time. I need to do it now, or as soon as possible. We don't have much time to waste. Hana can only keep her heartbeat going for so long, and the longer we wait... the risk for her going into cardiac arrest is too high, even more so with the extensive blood loss. Not to mention if her heart does stop and we don't revive her in time, she could go into multiple organ failure."

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