Tricks and Cousins

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Soon the group of twelve were all slowly making their way towards the food court. The first ones to arrive were Jade, Deidara, and Hana. They were seated at their usual table towards the outer part of the food court by the tall stone wall that acted as a room divider. Their shopping bags were all hidden underneath the table, and the girs' purses were hung on the backs of the seats. Taking their usual seats, they waited for the others to arrive.

"Remember the plan guys," Jade said to the other two. "We have to get Hana and Itachi together at all costs. No matter what!" Hana was about to protest, but Jade continued speaking. "I don't care. You're getting your man back! We just have to push the two of you into situations where you have no choice other than to talk or spend time together."

"You guys, really. You don't have to do this," Hana finally managed get out.

"I can't believe I'm going to help that stupid Uchiha, but Jade would never let me hear the end of it, un," Deaidara mumbled grouchily under his breath.

Hana smiled, she knew there was more to it than that. She knew the blond bomber would do anything the hazel eyed girl told him to with little to no questions asked. Ever since they, the ten shinobi, had gotten turned back into their human forms, the two artists had started to spend a lot of their time together. At first it was a few hours talking about their art preferences and it only just grew from there. No one really knew what they would talk about when it was just the two of them.

"You do realize that if Itachi still likes me, and you help us get together then he would owe you one, right," Hana pondered aloud in an attempt to placate the grumbling man.

The blond artist's eyes widened and shined with excitement at the prospect of the oldest Uchiha owing him a favor. He sat back in his seat with a smirk adorning his boyish features. His smirk soon grew into a bright smile as he began to think about all the things he could get the Uchiha to do. The two girls just shook their heads at their male companion. The feud between him and the eldest Uchiha was really something. It could be compared to the rivalry of Naruto and Sasuke.

The group of three turned their heads when they heard someone approaching their table. First they saw Konan leading Nagato to the table by the ear with a scowl on her usually calm face while he was holding up to ten shopping bags on each arm. Nagato was muttering apologies to his blue haired best friend, but they didn't seem to have the desired effect. Then they saw Sakura lecturing Naruto, who was carrying an unconscious Hinata on his back. They were both holding a few shopping bags, and Sakura was holding on to Hinata's shopping bags as well as her own.

"What happened to you guys," Hana questioned, as the others got within speaking distance to the table.

"Naruto and Nagato's crude sense of humor caused Hinata to faint," Konan responded, taking a seat next to Deidara. Nagato sat next to the blue haired beauty, because she was still holding onto his ear. When she realized that she was still holding his ear she let go. The red head started to massage his abused ear with a pout.

Hinata woke up to find herself face to face with Naruto. She blinked a few times. Then she blushed so red that even the ripest tomato would be jealous of how red she got.

"Hey Hinata-chan, you're awake, 'ttebayo," Naruto whisper-shouted. Hinata's red face deepened in color and she promptly fainted yet again. Everyone at the table raised an eyebrow at her actions. Sakura bonked him on the head. "Owww, Sakura-chan. That hurt," he whined in his seat clutching his head as fake tears gathered in his eyes and started to spill over. The hit didn't hurt as bad as he made it out to be. He was just being his over dramatic self as always, but then again Sakura did tend to be a bit heavy-handed at times.

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