(U) Spells

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(Unbreakable Vow)

Description: Causes a vow taken by a witch or wizard to be inviolable; if he or she should break it, the consequence is death. It manifests itself as interlinking chains of fire binding the clasped hands of the people taking the Vow; the fire shoots out as a tongue of flame from the wand of the Binder (a witness to the Vow) every time the person who takes the vow makes a promise. The flames then form into the linking chains. According to Ron Weasley, the spell causes death to anyone who breaks the vow.Seen/mentioned: Snape takes an Unbreakable Vow with Narcissa Malfoy at the beginning of Half-Blood Prince, vowing to help Narcissa's son Draco with a task given to him by Voldemort, and to finish the task should Draco prove incapable.[HBP Ch.2] Fred and George attempted to force an Unbreakable Vow upon Ron as children.

(Unbreakable Charm)

Description: Causes an object to become unbreakable.Seen/mentioned: Hermione uses this spell in Goblet of Fire on a glass jar containing Rita Skeeter in her unregistered animagus form (a beetle) so as to make sure she could not return to human form.

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