2: Some Unfinished Thoughts

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You know the warning by now, it's the second chapter. If you can remember it, you get a whole freaking cookie. Not. =] So you were warned. Sorry it's short, but I wanted you guys to have something to read! I swear, the next chapter won't be as.... short.


I made my way from the school parking lot towards the woods. I was at school, sure, but I wasn't planning on being in class. I just needed some time away from the bland walls, the bland people, the bland everything.

And a little wilderness expedition could help.

I stumbled over a branch but easily regained my balance - I'm no Bella Swan, I can fend for myself in the wilderness, thank you.

My legs carried me for a while, well, until it was physically impossible for me to walk any further. I slipped my shoes and socks off, putting my feet in the cold water of the stream.

Just the feeling of the cold water, running over my feet was enough to relax me.

My thoughts strayed back to Blake.

>Why did he dump me in the first place? To protect me? I can see through bullshit and that definitely reeked. What was this prophecy? Why are there no answers to any of my questions?

I let my feet sit in the chilling water and my body temperature was probably falling steadily. I didn't care though, because it just felt like there was no reason for me to really care anymore. Blake wasn't mine anymore. I didn't just lose a boyfriend.

I lost my best friend, my irreplaceable best friend. Not even Tasha could fill the overwhelming puncture to my heart.


My feet hurt so badly, was the next thing I thought of when I opened my eyes. I fell asleep... but last time, I was at the stream. My feet felt cold but not frozen. >What happened?

There was no voice in my head, just my own. It felt a little strange; however, it was a nice strange.

The phone rang by my bed.

>I hope Sally is home.

It rang again.

I sighed and ripped it off the hook.


"Hi. Aimee?"

I coughed slightly, "Yeah. Who is this?"

"It's Mr. Seaberg. I was just calling to get in touch with your pare-"

"Don't bother."

He paused, "What?"

"You heard me. Don't bother."

"I just wanted to ask them some questions, but I guess I'll just ask you. Why do you think it's okay to skip my class?"

"I wasn't at school today, Mr. Seaberg."

"Aimee, we both know there's anoth-"

"This conversation is over. Goodbye, Mr. Seaberg."

I hung up. And when I clicked the phone back on the hook, I swear that I heard the faint cry of a wolf ring through the air.


My alarm didn't go off in the morning. Instead of going to school, I decided it was in my best interest to skip. Well, at least until Greek class. I could go in for class.

I sighed and dragged myself over to the shower, but not before stopping in front of my mirror.

The makeup I had on from yesterday had smudged all over my face, my face was paler than a vampire's, and my hair was just on a completely different level. I guess that's what happen when you decide that it's just not worth it.

>He's just a guy.

That's where I was wrong again though. >Damn, Blake. Damn!

>I just gotta pull myself together. Yeah. Okay.

But thinking that was easier than doing it. I stripped out of my sweaty clothes, throwing them into a lump in the sink. And when the shower was running and I stepped into the warm water, I just felt all the layers of junk peel off my skin.

I finished as quickly as I could because, well, I was going to be late for the only class I was going to. Stupid, I know, but that's life, stupid.

My clothes were on, my cell phone in my pocket, I put on some foundation, and I slipped quietly down the stairs. Hopefully, Sally was at work. Ed could have passed out on the couch.

Sally was in it for the kids, but Ed just wanted the extra money so he could buy some more weed. What a great guy. He never took care of anyone, not even himself. So what made the foster system think that he could deal with children? I'm not exactly sure.

I glanced over at the couch, relieved to see that it was empty.

Maybe there was something wired into his stupid brain - that he thought that he wouldn't have to take care of us at all. That we're just small adults. Ed...

Sighing, I grabbed my keys off the coffee table, and made my way towards the door. I grasped the knob lightly, trying to think of a reason why he would the burden of more children, but you know, I just couldn't. It didn't make sense. Life is so illogical.

>Why couldn't things just be better?


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