6: Stuck On An Island

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This story is really chugging out of my brain so I just have to get it down! Blah! :) Hope you enjoy! Remember the warnings ;). Oh and don't try to write while watching Whose Line Is It Anyway. I was so distracted and this took three times as long to write... And I threw in an extra part at the ending just for everyone's dedication! Xoxoxo, - Emma


I woke up with my head in another place. It was Monday morning, already. I had managed to sleep through Sunday. Maybe it was the ridiculous amount of guilt I had felt after shooing Jeff away Saturday night. It would prove to be an awkward day at school.

I went through my routine and exited my house, gnawing on an apple that I found on the counter. There was something bothering me and his name started with a J and ended with an E-F-F.  So mysterious and strange, that man.

"Hey!" I heard Matt's voice as I exited my house, "Could I get a ride to school from my bestest friend ever?"

"As long as you promise to never call me that again."

"Okay," he said as he jumped into the passenger seat of my Saab convertible. I sighed as I reversed out of the driveway.

"So you and Jeff? Is that even legal?"

>How did he know that sigh was over Jeff? Was I that obvious? "Shut up, we're not dating, we're not anything."

He laughed slightly, "The way he was talking about it yesterday, it seemed like you two were something."

My eyes shot wide open, "What did he tell you?"

"About what happened after he took a few shots with me. Damn, why are you so mean to the poor guy?"


"Too drunk to remember? Well, he said that you were putting his hands under the strings of your thong and trying to get him to untie them. And when he didn't do that, you gave him a hickey on his chest. And that's a damn good hickey because not only can he not wear a casual shirt to school now but he even told me that when he touches it, it reminds him of that second it happened. He gets really hot and bothered, poor guy. But anyways, what were you going to say?"

I opened my mouth and closed it in shock as I put my foot down on the accelerator.

"I was just going to say how annoying it will be at school..."

"Why? Oh God. Do you have him as a teacher?"

I nodded.

"For what class?"


"I'm taking that class too!" he said happily, "Well you can just ignore him and talk to me or we can doodle."

I sighed, "Yeah, maybe."

I stopped the car when we were at the school and put it in park.

>Goal for today: get in, get out. Right, sounds easy.

I pulled my backpack out of the back seat and easily slung it over my shoulder. My body forced me to turn around as I felt eyes boring into my skull. The one person I was planning on avoiding was looking me up and down with a grin plastered on his face. I rolled my eyes at Mr. Seaberg and put my hand in Matt's. I don't even know what I was thinking about.

"Now you want to be together?" he laughed.

"Depends on where you take me on a date."

"Who said I was only going to take you on one baby? You're the sexiest and smartest girl around," he chuckled as we walked into school together.

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