5: Meet The Family

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Hi everyyyybodyyyy. So here's another chapter, hope you like it, remember the warnings, blah de blah blah blah. And I'm kind of still sick (at least I can sit up now without having a pain freakout.) :) mhmmmm. ok.


 As I walked back up the driveway, I noticed my car was back. It was sitting in the place I usually park it but I didn't remember how it got there. I turned around and opened my mouth to ask Jeff, but he was talking to someone in his driveway.

This made me curious. The guy might have been a year older than me. But that wasn't why I was interested.

He was hot, for lack of a better term.

He had straight black hair that extended past his eyes. He was wearing a mischievous smile as he talked to Jeff. His skinny jeans and flannel really suited him... >Wow.

>>It's too bad Jeff has claims on her. She's hot...

I turned back around and approached my car, leaning in towards the window. The keys were on the seat. >Who...?

My legs brought me back to the house where I took out two more bouquets of flowers. I struggled down my driveway with the stupid things and stopped at the trash can. Placing both on the ground, I flicked the lid open of the green trash barrel.

"Do you need any help?"

I turned around and saw the same guy, standing by me. And I even saw over his shoulder that Jeff was getting his mail.

"Sure, that would be great. If you could just throw one of these in the trash can for me..." I picked up one of the flower bouquets and dumped it inside. Then, the guy did the same.

"So what's your name?" he said with a grin as he picked up the other vase.

"Aimee. You?"

He threw the flowers into the bin, "Matt."

"Cool," I smiled, "I actually have a few more in my house, if you aren't too busy."

"Sure, I can do that for you. Who wouldn't want to help a beautiful lady like yourself?" he pecked me lightly on the cheek, "I did that for your benefit, not mine."

I rolled my eyes as I led him back up the driveway to the house. We picked up the last three vases of flowers and carried them down the driveway.

"Why did you get so many of these anyways?" Matt said through the large arrangement of flowers. He sneezed, sending a few flowers flying out of the vase. One rose fell to the ground. I didn't bother picking it up though, we kept walking to the trash can. I threw two vases into the almost completely filled trash can.

I stared into the can while Matt tossed the last vase in. There were shattering noises and it reeked of flowers. >Ew, flowers are so disgustingly beautiful. I closed the lid of the can.

"Well, how can I repay you?"

He tapped his cheek, "One kiss."

"I don't think so," I laughed.

>>Dammit. Hmmmm.

"Come on. It's just on the cheek. One kiss."

I sighed, "Fine!" I leaned forward towards his cheek but he turned his face, landing his lips on mine. His arms wrapped around my waist but something wasn't right about the whole thing. It felt weird. It was like hugging a brother or sister (that's how close I was with Jaxon, my favorite foster brother, but that's another story). I broke away from him awkwardly and he smiled at me.

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