11: The Endless Journey

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So I'm online... and writing... I got my eyebrow pierced two days ago and my mom and sister won't talk to me. My dad and brother are cool with it. Awkward. I'm in a good mood though so I'll update :) Thank you all for reading and voting <3 :) I know it's short but I'm really tired and thought you guys deserved a little read ;) - Emma


When I woke up on Monday, I felt like I had slept for the first time in a long time. I was refreshed. There were no nightmares, no dreams, just blissful nothingness.

I blinked a few times, taking in Jeff's peaceful face. But his alarm clock was in the same line of sight and it wasn't on.

"Jeff? Why didn't your alarm go off?" I poked him.

"Because it didn't want to," he said lazily.

"But we have school today?"

His eyes shot open which caused him to roll over and lean to his nightstand. He pulled his phone out of the charger. Before he stuck the phone to his face, he hit a few buttons.

His face lit up like a small child on Christmas would, "No classes. The school doesn't have power."

"Awesome," I laughed as I pulled the covers off my body, which began to convulse in strange ways. I could feel the icicles forming on my eyelashes. >Maybe I should just stay under the covers...

Jeff put his phone back on the nightstand and turned to me. His head was propped at an angle and I couldn't help but stare into his peaceful eyes. Something had changed in him over the past day, but what? I wasn't exactly sure.

"Your eyes are really green," I complimented him.

He grinned, "Thanks, Captain Obvious."

"Shut up," I continued to look at his face. Up close, he was just as handsome as he was from a distance. I know that wasn't the case with me and I felt terrible for him. >Whatever.

His eyes moved slowly over my body, "What?"


"What do you mean, whatever?"

I must have peaked his curiousity, I muttered a swear under my breath, "Fuck. Nothing."

"You're the strangest woman I've met in a long time," Jeff's breath danced along my neck, "And I kind of like it."

My heart beat jumped, "You do?"

"What?" he smiled and stuck his head back in his pillow with a big grin on his face. Some of his hair blocked his face. I played with his bangs. He exhaled slightly and opened his eyes.

I moved closer to him, almost like I was in a trance, just to look into those beautiful green eyes.

"What?" I giggled.

He put his hands on either sides of my head, "Shut up, Aimee, just shut up for once," he said as he pulled my mouth towards his. He stopped though. I felt the softness of his lips for a brief second but he never did kiss me. Instead, he nuzzled his head into my hair.

"Stop teasing," I wrapped my arms around him.

He kicked the covers off the bed, causing me to jump at the sudden cold. His hand rested on my thigh and his eyes met mine.

"Aimee... Let me walk you home," he said politely as he sat up, rubbing his face in an agitated way, "Your parents will probably wonder."

I sat up next to him. His back muscles rippled and I wanted to touch them. The urge to feel every nook and cranny. I noticed a few gashes in his shoulder that made me curious. I ran my fingers along one, causing him to jolt.

"Yeah, we need to get you home," he shook his head.

"What did I do wrong?"

He stood up and walked over to his dresser, pulling on a shirt. He put on jeans over his boxers. He added another layer, pulling on a purple hoodie over his head. He was honestly the most goregous man ever. It didn't matter what he wore because he made everything look good.

"Aren't you going to say something?" I scoffed.

He barely smiled as he looked at me, "Aimee, you've done nothing wrong. I need space to think."

"To think? About what?"

He looked down at his bare feet and became fixated on them, it was almost as if he were deep in thought about the hair that lined it. I stood and approached him, putting my hands around his neck. He met my gaze with a worried expression.

So I did the only thing that made sense. I brushed my lips against his which made him freeze.

"Aimee, I've been holding back. I don't want to put us in... a legal problem..."

"I won't tell anyone."

"I know," he said quietly, "but if anyone sees us, we're dead in the water."

"Jeff, just shut up and be my boyfriend."

His face looked pained, "Aimee. You know I want to."

"Then why the hell don't you just say yes."

He glanced down at my lips and then back to my eyes, "Ah, what the fuck," he grumbled and pulled me to him. He didn't waste any time. When his lips met mine, he bit my lower lip with force. I gasped and opened my mouth. He smirked as his tongue danced with mine. It felt like nothing in this world, in fact, it felt so surreal, I wasn't sure it was even happening. He withdrew his tongue, winding down the kiss before I wanted to.

"So?" I put my hand on his chest, "That's a yes."

He nodded, "It would never be a no."

"What if I told you I wanted to have crazy hot sex right now, would you say yes to that?"

His nose twitched slightly, "Aimee, you kn-"

"Kidding, kidding," I laughed, "But I'm going home."

"Dressed like that?" he chucked, "No, you're putting on some more of my clothes."

He threw a sweatshirt on over my body and helped me into a pair of sweat pants. His smile widened as he looked me up and down.





I sat on my bed and stared at my ceiling. When is this whole prophecy thing going to start? I thought to myself. Little did I know at that time, the event that I just took part in triggered the beginning of the prophecy.

Everything was falling in place.


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