18: Can You Die Twice?

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Hey everybody, what's up? I'm really bored and feeling fat, so I'm writing this little thingy for you. This little note. I don't know what I really am trying to convey. I wanted to say hello. Well, anyways, here's the new chapter. :) Thanks again for reading. - Emma


"So now what do we do?" I said as I leaned against Jeff's desk. It was his free period. And as usual, I was skipping Geometry.

"Well, that's the thing," he said as he rubbed my back soothingly, "I don't really know. I mean, the prophecy is almost completely through with. Just the matter of Victor that I have to deal with."

I froze, stiff as a board. His hand didn't leave my back, "Victor?"

"Yeah. He ran off... but don't worry. He'll be back. And when he does come back, we'll be ready for him. How about we think about something else?" he smirked and kissed my lips lightly and pulled away too quickly for my likings.

I was so unbelievably in love with this idiot. I grabbed his tie and pulled those green eyes up as close to my eyes as I could, "Don't think you're going to get away with that. I want a real kiss."

He smiled and kissed me again, in the same way, "Better?"


Just then. someone was knocking on the door.

"Shit," Jeff swore, "Uh, closet!" he whisper shouted. I darted over there and made it right inside before I heard the door click open. I pulled Jeff's coat over my body, incase whoever it was came looking around. My body instinctively curled into a ball. I did the only thing I could think of doing.

"Jeff?" I recognized my principal's voice as his expensive-sounding shoes clicked across the floor, "I just heard from another student that you had Aimee Voltaire in here right now. Is she here?"

"No? Why would she be? Class has been over for half an hour," Jeff stated cooly.

"Well, let me just look around, then, okay?" I heard Mr. Newberry headed for the closet.

So when the closet door opened, I stuck my head out from underneath his coat. Mr. Newberry's eyes widened and he started to smile. He looked excited. Why? I wasn't sure.

"Jeff, this is what you're hiding?" my principal bent over and scratched my head, "A puppy?"

I felt my little body being lifted off the ground. I squealed in annoyance as the man hauled me across the classroom to an astonished looking Jeff. He smiled though, quickly realizing the trick.

"Yes, sir," he admitted sadly, "I couldn't find a dog sitter today because my regular one cancelled... so I had to bring her into class."

"What's her name?" Mr. Newberry's face was right up next to mine. I licked his cheek, which made him laugh, "She's cute."

"Uh, her name is Aaaa-rmy! Yep, her name is Army!" his smile faltered, "My dad was in the army so I decided that would be a great name for a dog. I mean, my dad meant a lot to me when he was alive," he bullshitted pretty well. I almost believed him. He sat down on his comfortable looking chair, with a cool smile on his face.

It was blatantly obvious that he was telling the truth, well, if you didn't know him well enough. His eye twitched slightly.

"Huh. That's nice. Well, next time drop her off at a friend's house or something. I bet they wouldn't mind this cute little thing for a few hours," he scratched behind my ear, making my leg move up and down, involuntarily.

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