22: Nope, Chuck Testa!

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  • Dedicated to Chuck Testa?!

So, I'm sitting in my room, and I'm bored. New chapter time yay face... It's snowing a lot. HOLY SHIZZZZ I NEED TO CLEAN MY ROOM... It looks like a weird bomb exploded. There's like shoes EVERYWHERE.... LOL, thank GOD I live alone. Anyways, here's the new chapter. I hope you like the new cover to the story...! By the way, Chuck Testa in the side bar, because... surprise! CHUCK TESTA! :) - Emma


As I trudged down the hall, I noticed Mr. Seaberg outside of his room. He had his glasses on his face, still reading a book of his. But he was talking as he was flipping the pages, in that normal way that he always did. I could never understand how he was able to hold a conversation while reading a book. It was infuriating to say the least, but not as bad as the girl who was standing next to him, who looked too excited.

She was tall, almost taller than him, and beautiful. She was curvy, definitely not thin like a board in the way that I am. She had this incredibly long and wavy blond hair that highlighted her big blue eyes. She was a life size doll! I groaned in jealousy. Why was I always the short one?!

"Oh, Aimee?" I heard Mr. Seaberg's enchanting voice call just as I stormed by them.

I stopped short, turning quickly and said, "Yes?"

"I fixed your grade so it should show up online."

Jeff sprung up in the air ten feet with his distinct howl. I couldn't help but laugh at the girl standing with him. She seemed fun.

"OW! What was that for?" he glared at the blue eyed beauty queen.

Well, isn't this awkward, I thought as I shifted on my feet."Aren't you going to introduce me, Jeffy?" she batted her lashes at him. I almost gagged and refocused my attention on my books in my hands.

"Sam, this is Aimee, my student, Aimee, this is Sam, my friend," he emphasized, "Don't call me Jeffy again or I'll rip your throat out," he said with a bright smile.

>She's so pretty... UGH!

>>I heard that.

>Your point is? I looked straight into Jeff's eyes and his smile faltered. He blinked once, but his eyes never left mine.

>>What's yours? he challenged.

I looked at him with a blank look, >There wasn't one.

His musical laughter drifted through my brain, tinkling slightly. It was such a relaxing laugh, I thought. I missed his laugh! No, no, no! I don't miss his laugh! No! Bad Aimee! I snapped my hairtie against my wrist.

"Aimee? Hello? The bell rang?" Jeff said out loud, "You alright there, kid?"

I rolled my eyes and flipped him off, "Suck it, Seaberg," I said as I turned around.

"Detention," he said, with a little too much excitement in his voice. Great, what had I gotten myself into?


Do, dah, dah, I thought as I passed through the doorway of Mr. Seaberg's room. Detention is the best part of the day, right? Nope, Chuck Testa. Just kidding, Chuck Testa doesn't even live REMOTELY close to me (thank GOD, that guy is way weirder than I am...)

He was sitting on his desk, without his shoes on, with his eyes closed. He was deeply concentrated and silent.

My voice came out raspy when I spoke, "Mr. Seaberg?"

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