17: My Life Has Ended

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So I realized that I'm really stupid and I deleted part of the past chapter before I posted it. I was wondering why it was so damn short! I am really stupid! So I fixed it a little, but if you read it before, it should look about the same, so no real worries. THIS. IS. THE. CHAPTER. YOU'VE. BEEN. WAITING. FOR! Maybe? :) :) leave comments!

I stared up at the dot-coated sky. Jeff held me closer to him as we sat there, underneath a large elm tree. It was right on the edge of a large clearing. He was whispering about nothing into my ears. This was my destiny and I was going to embrace it.

"Jeff. I'm not going to just sit here as bait. We're going to fight for this," I said, "For us."

"But you know that's not how it's going to work out, Amy. If we do things wrong, we could be thrown into an alternative reality," he explained. But I wouldn't listen to anything he was saying because I didn't give a shit.

"Let's live a little, baby," I rolled my eyes and stood up, approaching the center of the clearing. I pointed my head towards the sky and screeched, "COME AND GET ME!"

I heard multiple howls. The next second, I remember morphing into something and the shouts of pain as I moved. I wasn't even sure what I transformed into, but I was on fire, literally. It didn't hurt though. So I punched every wolf that came at me.

They fell to the ground within seconds of my hits. They were in flames, rolling around, whining loudly.

"That was easy," I groaned.

Jeff growled next to me, >>They aren't even here yet.

That's when a person entered the clearing, with a wolf, and a few other people. They smiled widely, showing their large fans at me. Oh God, what were they?

"My, my, werewolves never tasted good but I can't be that picky when it comes to blood," one of the vampires spoke, "Oh, Hello, Aimee, I missed you dear! Tell me, how are mummy and daddy doing in the ground? Huh? Well Aimee, look right in front of you. They aren't in the ground!"

Sure enough, in front of me, were my parents. Their eyes were a viscous red color.

"Mh, hello daughter," my mother said smoothly, "Come give mommy a hug," she opened her arms, expectantly.

But they weren't my parents. They couldn't be. My parents died a long time ago...

Jeff snarled >>It's a trap, Aims. Trust your instincts.

I attacked my so-called mother first. I snapped her neck easily and began to tear her apart. A small black wolf started to tear her limbs away, helping me to quickly get rid of the body. With one touch, her body exploded into a flaming mess.

"Okay, so now do you really want to mess with me, Victor?"

"Mess with you? Only if it involves a bedroom," he said, eying me up and down, "I gotta say, the flames really do you justice."

I rolled my eyes, "Can we just get this over with? Jeff and I have things to do later on."

"Like what?" he smiled. Suddenly, my vision went black. I was unable to see, "Well, now that you can't see, much like a bedroom scene, let's see if you can put up a nice fight, hm?"

I felt blows, hitting me over and over, all from different directions. There was no hope for me. I was going to die at the rate I was getting punched. This would be the end of the road for me, I thought as pain rippled through my upper body.

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