Chapter 3

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Laxus had never been so comfortable. The bed underneath him was practically non-existent, it felt like he was hovering. His eyes refused to open he was so comfortable. It reminded him of something, but what? He couldn't remember. A loud screeching sound filled his ears and the soft bed vanished, and he found himself bouncing off the chairs of the train and onto the floor, face down. Surprisingly though, it wasn't that hard.

"Ouch," you grumbled as Laxus fell on top of you. You rolled off your chair when the train suddenly stopped, throwing you forward. You opened your eyes, only to have your view blocked by blonde hair. You wiggled and turned red when you realized Laxus face was pressed between your breasts! "SPARKY!" You screamed pushing him off.

Laxus groaned and rubbed his head. You had just screamed in his ear and pushed him off whatever was so comfy. He finally opened his eyes and looked up to glare at you, to see you already glaring at him, arms crossed with a face so red it matched Erza's hair.

"What's wrong with you," he rolled his eyes at you.

"YOU!" You shout at the cringing dragon slayer, "were laying on top of me!"

Laxus's eyes widened and he finally realized what was so comfy. You felt himself glance down before he realized what he was doing.

"PERVERT!" You screamed at him again, and held out your hands, "Wind Storm," a spiral of razor sharp winds sped towards Laxus as you stood up and dusted yourself off. Laxus quickly jumped out of the way, and the winds broke down the door to the carriage. You glanced at the clock and frowned.

'It's only been five hours. I wonder why we stopped?'

Stepping over Laxus you walked towards the doors. The sun had risen in the short time you'd been asleep but you were refreshed. Your magic energy was replenished. Right now, the train stopping was cutting into your Iron-Birch time. This was the best time of the year to go. Of course, you could go other times, but this was storm season. It was the best time of year.

A man suddenly stormed pass you, fear evident in his eyes as he ran, for what seemed like, his life.

"EXCUSE ME!" You called after him. He didn't stop though; you went to run after him but before you could a loud bang sounded in the direction the man came from and the whole train shook. Deciding to let the poor man go, you ran towards the sound. The further down the train you ran, the worse state the train appeared to be in; Doors were off their hinges, windows were broken or completely shattered, some parts of the floor were completely missing showing the tracks below. You hadn't encountered anyone apart from that man earlier.

You reached the head of the train and raised your hands, prepared to cast a spell if necessary. Only when you opened the door, the next carriage was empty too. Void of life. If you hadn't known better, you would've said you and Laxus were the only ones on this train. You went to step onto the next carriage but this was the last one. Where was the engine room?

"Hello," you called out, "anyone here?"

"Who are you talking to surfer?" Laxus grumbled behind you. After seeing the train wreckage when he was following you, Laxus soon realized this train wouldn't be moving any time soon and quickly turned back to normal. His motion sickness a thing of the past.

You shrugged, "no one. I was trying to find people..." you trail off and open the door to the side. Strong winds were blowing, but it was nothing you hadn't trained in before. You jumped out of the train and ignored Laxus calls behind you. A dark forest lied ahead, and blocking the tracks, with the trains engine room squeeze to an almost unrecognizable shape in its hands, was a monster. Around its feet were other disfigured carriages, "Shit," you mutter, glancing at the beast. It was a scaly, dark green, with six arms and razor claws that were slicing down the trees around it. Even if they did defeat the monster and another train came it would take days for the trees to be cleared. The monsters mouth was wide open in a silent roar and you quickly came to another realization.

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