Chapter 18

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Lin's eyes widened but before he could take a step back you flew upwards, knocking his jaw backwards, his head snapped up forcefully and he went flying backwards. You felt like you born anew, your whole body was alive and you could feel every inch of it. Oh if Laxus could see you now. You now had one up on Laxus.

You couldn't decide if the sound Lin was making now was a laugh or a cough. It sounded like a mixture between the two. Your feet landed on the ground, the lightning still buzzing around you, but you no longer took its form. A small part of you was exhausted, but you felt more alive than you were before.

"You should take a look around one last time Lin," you eyed him up, "this is the last time you're going to see the outside world." He truly did laugh this time, loudly, he was laying on the ground but pushed himself up on to his feet. Stretching his arms above his head, Lin eyed the sky and took a deep breath, before turning his attention back to you.

"But, we're just getting started," he tilted his head to the side, "care to tell me how you did that little trick of yours? Did your boyfriend teach you?"

You rolled your eyes, "that's really all you care about? My magic?"

Lin nodded, "your magic is what would've made that spell. I couldn't cast that spell years ago. I just needed a strong, powerful Storm Mage. You were the key! AND YOU RUINED EVERYTHING! CYCLONE!!!"

The spell burst towards you, "WIND SHIELD!" Your shield protected you from most of the spell but some broke through and pushed you backwards. Dirt gathered behind your boots but you were still standing. The house felt the full wrath of the spell and was now completely destroyed.

The other rune knights, still unconscious, now had large amounts of debris all over them. At least Hiro was safe, the trees having stayed intact. But Paul was nowhere that you could see. In fact, he seemed to have completely disappeared.

"Very good," Lin goaded, "but you can't stay on the defense forever...TORNADO!" Lins hands went up into the air as he summoned the tornado.

The air seemed to stand still for a second, before you felt like the air was being sucked from your lungs as it suddenly gained speed. You twisted your feet to try and stay balanced as the smaller bits of Debris were slowly being dragged and thrown from the sky.

You quickly realized that, that was what Lin was trying to do. Throw you and everyone else into the sky. The winds would mean that you wouldn't be able to summon a cloud to save them all. So you had to act fast.

"Electric storm!" While Lin was preoccupied with the tornado, your shot hit him on the chest and sent him backwards. It was a cheap shot, but there were more lives than yours to think about. Lin started shaking from the electric surge pulsing through his body and collapsed to the ground, it almost looked like he was having a fit, but he quickly stopped. The spell incomplete, the air calmed down and returned to normal. The debris falling back onto the ground.

"That was some dirty trick young (Y/N)," Lin shook his head, and stood up dusting his trousers off, "attacking a man while he was attacking your comrades," Lin shook his head in disappointment. But you could only scoff at his actions.

"You tried to kill Fiore, and everyone that you deemed unimportant! You are the dirtiest scum of earth land and the lowest of the low!"

Lin bowed, "why thank you?"

You scoffed, feeling your face twist in disgust, "do you feel nothing! Do you only care about the power?"

Lins eyes flared in anger, "is that what you thought that was about? Power?" Lin shook his head and stalked forward, "power was a bonus, you incompetent child. No, my mission was so much more than power. It was freedom."

You raise a brow, confused but never let your guard down, "freedom? You have nothing but freedom?"

Lin stalked forward, to the point that he was within punching distance, but you stayed on the defensive, "freedom from the curse, the curse that was cast upon us the moment the dragons were defeated and we left the sky."

You rolled your eyes, taking a few steps back, "and you call me incompetent. Just because there aren't many of us doesn't mean we're cursed. We're cursed because we have people like you, forever scarring the name of the Storm Mages for pointless delusions."

Lin seemed to snap at your words and jumped at you, "I WILL BREAK THE CURSE! HURRICANE!"

You didn't have time to prepare a wind shield, as the spell hit you, throwing you backwards. You spun through the air and across the ground when you finally landed. Just like before Lin endlessly threw spells at you, and you desperately tried to dodge them. While you were doing that, you remembered something that your master taught you all those years ago.

'The spells I will teach you are much like any storm you will brew. They have a lot of potential that people can't see. They change, they adapt, and you can change or adapt any spell or storm you can create.'

You felt yourself smirk at the memory, "thank you," you whispered to yourself, hoping that wherever your master was, he could hear you. You dodged Lins next attacked and prepared your own, "ELECTRIC HURRICANE!" The swirling yellow and white zapped towards Lin and hit him with a loud boom. Dust flew into the sky and you were thrown backwards from the sheer force of the spell.

You groaned as you sat up, staring at slowly settling dust, "I need to stop being thrown around," you complain, rubbing your temples with one hand as you use the other to help push yourself off the ground. Your eyes scanned the area looking for Lin, but he vanished. There was a small crater in the ground but you knew that your spell wasn't powerful enough to destroy him with one spell.

"Very good," he chuckled, it was then you saw him, in a pile of bushes and he did not look good. "He taught you well. He always taught well."

You opened your mouth to question him but before you could all of the rune knights burst from the trees. Reinforcements in tow. You were quickly pushed backwards behind them as they quickly cuffed Lin and dragged him into a magic transport van.

"(Y/N)!" You heard Hiro shout behind you, you saw him wave his hand as he ran up, a wide smile on his face

"Hiro," you greeted, but your eyes quickly returned to the van, where you could almost feel Lin's smugness. He knew something about your master, and now you'll never get to ask him. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you finally turned your head towards Hiro.

His arm dropped to his side as he sent you a closed eye smile, "you did it! You caught Lin!"

"Yeah," you smiled, but it dropped and your eyes turned towards the now empty space where the van stood. Right now you were left with a decision to make. To find out what Lin meant, or to forget it and get on with your life. He could've only said it to mess with your head. He could know nothing. Finally, you smile, a real smile as you turn back to Hiro, "and now I can't wait to go back to Fairytail."

"Aren't the Grand Magic Games still on?" Hiro asks.

You shrugged, "I don't know. I guess so, maybe I can meet them in crocus."

As Hiro opens his mouth someone shouts from behind you, "Hiro!" You both look towards the voice, to see an unfamiliar Rune Knight running towards the both of you. You raise a brow as the huffing knight finally gets to the two of you. "Are you in Fairytail?"

Hiro shakes his head, and points a thumb towards you, "nope. But (Y/N) is in Fairytail."

Fear started to bubble in you at the crazed looked in his eyes, "there was an incident in the capitol and a lot of Fairytail members were injured when the dragons attacked-"

"DRAGONS!" You screamed, you felt the familiar buzz take over, and the air cackled with you. You turned to Hiro, "I have to go." Before Hiro could respond, you summoned lightning and zapped into the sky.

'Sparky, Fairytail, I hope you are okay.'

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