Chapter 20

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This chapter contains a Lemon...

The trip back to magnolia was uneventful. Your mind however didn't stop, you knew exactly what Laxus meant, and what he promised to do. One part of you was excited, another part nervous. Laxus was your first friend, so you'd never... You didn't even know what you and Laxus were, sure there had been hugging and kissing, a lot of kissing, but never any words to define the two of your relationships.

Master said that there was a parade in our honour for winning the games when we arrive. You weren't too sure what happened in the games. Laxus and the thunder legion tried to fill you in on all of the juicy details on the way back. You missed most of them, partly confused and partly distracted as Laxus kept playing with your hands.

When you arrived in Magnolia, the master under exaggerated the party that they had thrown in Fairytail's honour. The whole town was there, confetti was thrown and the roar of the crowd was so loud you could barely hear yourself think. You barely knew where the crowd was leading you, the only thing you did know was Laxus was right next to you the whole time. The fur of his coat tickling your arm slightly every time either of you moved.

It was then you saw a large stone building come into view. It towered over all of the other buildings, and hanging right above the door was the Fairytail symbol. You looked up to see a small smile grace Laxus' feature. This was the Fairytail that he had always told you about, the one he was proud to call home and where his family was.

All of the members of Fairytail quickly bundled into the guild hall. True to form of Fairytail, a party started and everyone went into drinking and partying mode. They had their old guild and their old position back, they couldn't be happier right not.

You sat with Laxus in the back, but you weren't one for parties, too many people and too much noise, "come on," Laxus whispered in your ear. You jumped, but nodded, happier to get out of the guild. You'd grown to love these people, but there was only so much a person could take.

But when you left the guild door, undetected, Laxus didn't stop but kept walking, "where are we going?" You ask.

"I have a surprise that I've been planning for you," came his gruff response.

"What?" You'd never been surprised before, maybe had a surprise attack from a monster, but nothing.

Laxus sighed, "I can't tell you," he looked his shoulder at you, "that's what makes it surprise."

"Alright," you reluctantly agreed. Laxus hummed back, and pulled you along with ease. The two of you walked for 10 more minutes. Laxus stopped and you walked into his back, he turned around and pushed you in front, his hands covering your eyes, "what are you doing?"

"This is all a part of the surprise," Laxus smiled, you nodded and he was touched at your literal blind faith. Laxus walked your forward down another road and turned you around, "ready?" He asks, you were all too excited to talk, and you quickly nodded your head up and down. "Okay," Laxus let his hands drop from around your eyes, and let the surprise come into full view.

Standing in front of you, was a large detached house, it was made from stone, a large front door in the middle, two widows either side and three windows on the first floor. It had a red tiled roof. As you walked closer, a light Lacrima flashed on and you saw the mat outside the front door. It read 'home sweet home'. Tears came to your eyes and you rotated on the spot to look at Laxus.

"What is this?" You ask, your voice cracking from pure emotions running through you.

Laxus, saw your tear filled eyes and thought you were upset, he quickly embraced you in a hug, letting the edges of his coat fall over your shoulders, "it's for us. After you kissed me I knew you felt the same...I-"

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