Chapter 11 (Part Two)

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Laxus punched the laughing man around the face, returning the favour and sending him flying backwards and into the wall. The wall groaned under the forced, and when he fell to the floor a large dent was left behind, but the man's happy attitude didn't falter. Rubbing his jaw with his free hand the man looked mildly impressed.

"I can see why she thought you'd be able to beat us," the man smirked, his voice jingling slightly, "but it won't be any good, by the time we're done," he gestured to the ritual behind Laxus, but despite wanting too, Laxus didn't turn his head to look at you, "she and all the others," he started to cackle loudly, "will be dead."

"All I hear is that I have to kick your arse before he finishes that spell."

The man shrugs and shifts into the shadows, "I think I should introduce myself, the name is Randolf, you should remember the name of the man that kills you."

Laxus cracks his knuckles and frowns at 'Randolf', or the shadows that he became as he shifted across the floor, "You should remember the name of the man that is going to not only beat you, but is the reason you'll spend the rest of your life in prison."

"Raging bolt!" Laxus shoots an endless stream of lightning bolts towards the cackling shadows that twist and avoid his blasts with ease. But Laxus was relentless, he needed this to be quick so that he could help you. The blasts were random where they hit, in an attempt to throw the shadows off and it paid off. Laxus smirk in satisfaction when he the laughing stopped and he heard the screams of pain.

Randolf came out of the shadows and sneered at Laxus. The goons that were hanging around seemed to disappear as the mans' smirk vanished. Laxus felt a chill run over his body but kept his eyes glued to him. He seemed to be breathing heavily, his shoulders quickly moving up and down quickly from the action.

"Oh," he hissed, his eyes turning black, "now, I'm mad." Laxus forced himself to not take a step back at the feral look in the man's eyes. Randolf raised his hands and pointed the palms towards Laxus, "Shadow Pain!"

Laxus' eyes widened as he jumped out of the way of the spell. It hit the barrier behind him and was absorbed by it. Dark magic. He should've know a dark guild would've used dark magic. As Laxus was jumping out of the way he attacked from his new angle, "Lightning Dragon: Breakdown Fist!"

The lightning shaped fist charged towards Randolf and sent him flying backwards destroying the floor as the shear force. Rubble and dust flew up into the air, hiding the mans as he groaned in pain. The only evidence he was still alive. Laxus smirked in satisfaction, and turned to the ritual.

The man's hands were still in the air and you looked pale. Very pale. The now yellowish glow seemed to be flowing off you in a steady rhythm. It didn't seem to reach the man anymore, it only went so far before it zoomed up into the sky, where the spell was forming, swirling into the clouds above, disappearing into the sky. He needed to act quickly, but what was he going to do?

Laxus felt a force throw him to the side before he could come up with an idea. His face and body scraped painfully against the floor, as Laxus let out a grunt of pain. He turned when he was flying through the air and saw Randolf still standing. One of his arms was twisted to the side and Laxus cringed at the odd angle it was at.

"Oh no," Randolf sneered, "we can't have you saving your friend. How is the world supposed to die?!" He began to cackle like a maniac, and all Laxus could do was look at his teeth. So black and thin, they didn't look like teeth, more like charred stick that he used to replace his teeth.

"I thought I got rid of you," Laxus sighed, moving his eyes from Randolfs teeth to his face.


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