Chapter 14

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You watch the members of Fairytail interact in fascination. Your back pressed against the tree. Even Laxus seemed more lively than usual, being fawned over by the members of the thunder legion. You heard a few names called out but couldn't match them to people, but you knew the pink haired, now snoring mage was called Natsu.

"What are you doing over here?" Laxus asks from beside you, you didn't even notice him sneak up on you. You were so entranced in your people watching you didn't even hear him.

"Your friend are...lively," you comment.

"Yeah," Laxus smiles, glancing up to see the thunder legion watching the two of you intently, "come on." Before you can argue he grabbed your arm and dragged you over to the thunder legion. Where the girl was arguing with a new white haired man, that kept using the word man, or manly.

"Guys, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), meet the thunder legion," he pointed to the crying man with green hair, "Freed," the man with the mask and giant tongue, "Bickslow," and finally the girl, "Evergreen!"

You smiled cautious and waved your hand, "hi?"

Freed quickly jumped in your face, "who are you and why are you with Laxus!"

Laxus rolls his eyes, but smiled as Freed's protectiveness never went away, he pushed Freed away from you, "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Her bite is worse than her bark."

Freeds eyes widened as he took another step back and Bickslow filled the void, "so," he grinned, "are you Laxus' girlfriend?"

Your face turned beet red as you shook your head, "no. We were working as partners for a job."

Bickslow laughed, "whatever you say!" And he was repeated by a series of flying totem parts behind him. You turned to Laxus for some help only his face was bright red too, and facing in the other direction.

"So you have magic?" The girl, asks, a knowing look on her face.

You smile and nod, "yup. I'm a Storm Mage!"

"WHAT!" They all shout and turn to Laxus, "how did you find a Storm Mage?" Evergreen asked again.

"He grabbed me out of the sky while I was surfing," you answered, unsure and overwhelmed with the energy these people were giving off.

"Surfing," Freed repeated rubbing his chin, "are you THE lightning surfer." You nodded and quickly they were all over you asking questions about your magic. You had no idea what to say or what to do before Laxus stood in front of you, blocking the onslaught from his team.

"Thanks Sparky," you grumble, rubbing your head as you start to feel a headache growing. You hadn't even used that much magic power, but you still feel ill. When you look up Laxus was looking down at you concerned and the Thunder Legion shocked beyond words. Their jaws hanging open.

At that point Natsu wakes up and starts running towards someone called Gildarts, who was now sitting next to Laxus, threatening to fight him. He stops however when he sees you and pauses mid run, "Who are you?" He asks.

You didn't know whether to answer or not, but the thunder legion broke out of their trance and shouted the answer for you, "YOU'RE THE LIGHTNING SURFER AND LAXUS LET YOU GIVE HIM A NICKNAME!"

"WHAT!" Natsu yells and starts running towards you, "FIGHT ME LIGHTNING SURFER."

Laxus went to stand up but you waved him down, "I can handle him Sparky," Laxus narrowed his eyes but nodded. Floating cloud isn't only used for travelling.

You held out a single hand and said the spell, "floating cloud," you imagine it forming around Natsus' body and quickly he went from running to hovering midair. White fluffy cloud covering him from head to toe. Only a small part of his face and the top of his hair showing.

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