Chapter 13

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Two days later

"Two days," you groan to Laxus, your legs throbbing from all the unusual exercise and the heat from the desert threatening to boil you alive, "two days. We've been walking almost endlessly. You said it wouldn't take long to get there!"

Usually, you weren't one to complain. Sure, you hated walking but you could live with a bit of walking. You had now walked a marathon per day. To go to some unknown location that Laxus won't tell you anything about, other than it's safe.

"We'll be there soon," Laxus grumbles ahead, the grey cloth that he'd made into a makeshift cloak hooding his expressions.

"But where is there?" You ask, wiping the endless rolling sweat from your forehead.

Laxus sighs but doesn't stop walking, "have you heard of a place called Tenrou island?" You shuffle closer to Laxus at the new information but shake your head.

"No. I've never heard of it."


You groan at Laxus' cryptic answers but continue to follow behind him. Your main grievance was not being able to use any magic. Even summoning a cloud or a breeze to get rid of the sun's violent rays for a few seconds would be some sort of relief. But this, this was pure torture.

The two of you continued walking in silence, never stopping for a break as you hiked through the sandy hills. All of a sudden Laxus stopped, his head quickly snapping over his shoulder like he heard someone call his name.

"Laxus," you said wearily, he didn't seem to be looking at anything but at the same time concentration wholly on something, "what's wrong."

"I'm going to have to go," he frowns, turning his head back.

You grab his arm and force him to turn around and face you, his face was troubled, "what do you mean you have to go?"

"Something is...wrong," Laxus bowed his head down, unable to describe this immense feeling he had but he knew it had something to do with Makarov and Tenrou. He always knew he needed to get there, fast.

"Then let me help," Laxus raised a brow, and you put your hands on your hips.

"You're still injured-" he tried to reason with you, but you stopped him in your tracks.

"Look Sparky! You broke into a castle, fought your way through the goons and saved my ass and all those other people. And not once have you complained or bragged! I'm perfectly fine! So I'm coming!"

Laxus smiled slightly but forced himself to sigh, "fine. But promise you'll stay out of the danger."

You smiled up at Laxus triumphantly, pumping your fist into the air, "let's go!" you start to walk but freeze mid-step, "where exactly are we going?"

Laxus doesn't answer your question, his gaze on the sky, "do you think you've got enough strength to ride lightning?" You nod, your eyes narrowed suspicious, "good. Then follow me." Before you could question him, the air around Laxus starts to cackle and crack and you realised what was happening. You take a step back and quickly summon your own lightning.

"Lightning control!" You shout, the lightning fell from the sky just as Laxus fully became lightning. You grabbed the lightning as it pulled you into the sky.

Laxus quickly zoomed ahead, leading the way, 'Don't worry old man, I'm coming to Tenrou!'


You almost let go of the lightning you were holding at the sight of the island ahead. A ginormous, which doesn't even begin to describe this tree, tree that sat in the center of the island, but the trunk was broken and had fallen into the sea. You imagined what it would be like whole, complete and high in the sky. In your mind it seemed to grow and stretched up and into the clouds, it's twisting bark, long, wide and thick. The island was no doubt the tree its self, as hardly any land was left untouched by its roots, or the small forest that laid around it.

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