Chapter 11 (Part One)

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One Week Later

You wake up to the sound of your cell door opening. Each day two men would come in and drug you. It made your limbs heavy, and knocked you out until someone came in to force you to eat. The food was drugged too, which is why they had to force you to eat it. They told you, you needed your strength to survive the spells ritual. You didn't care.

The man never came back, but his lackeys made sure to tell you exactly what would happen to you. Every day, without fail. How from the moment the spell starts being casts you would start dying, not only the magic, but the life would be sucked out of you. That is what becomes the storm. That is what becomes the eye of the storm.

The people that walked into your cell were the same ones you'd seen for a while now. How long had it been? You'd lost count of days, being forced to sleep for so long. Your eyes burned at the light that flooded in, but you still kept them open, watching the people as they walked towards you. Your mouth was dry, so dry it hurt to talk.

"Come to drug someone tied to the floor?" You sneer, ignoring the ache and burn of your throat.

One of the men laughed, "oh no. It's been a week now. Do you know what happens today?"

The blood freezes in your veins and you stare at their silhouetted forms wide eyed, "no," you breathe.

"Oh yes," the other man laughs, "today is the day you die."

The men slowly approach and undo the chains tying you to floor. You try to fight back, to struggle, even a wiggle. But you were so weak you couldn't even hold your own head straight. They dragged you out of the cell. You spent the entire time trying to lift up your head. When you did, the sight made your breath catch in your throat. In front of you, were a line of storm mages being dragged. All ages, shapes and they all had one thing in common, they were all weak.

Unlike you, they all looked drugged. They were limp and didn't even appear awake. You wanted to question it, to shout and scream at the guards but you needed to use your wits. You had no strength and practically no use of your limbs. Their only mistake was not putting magic cancelling cuffs back on you. You could feel your magic growing stronger by the second and that is going to be their greatest downfall.

You don't fight the men dragging you, as they took you to wherever the ritual was being held. You were trying to build up your energy for a fight, because a fight is what they are going to get. You turned down a certain hall and everything seemed to go silent. The dragging sounds even seem to dim and the hairs on the backs of your next stood on ends.

A door creaked open loudly, and a you had a bad feeling. Being the last person being dragged you couldn't see ahead, but you could feel it. The sense of dread and evil. Something you hoped to never feel again after this day. Something you hoped to destroy.

Finally, you saw the large wooden doors that led to a large circular room. Drawn on the floor, was a series of symbols, none of which you recognized. Standing in the center of the symbols holding a large, circular Lacrima was the man that you saw on the first day here. The very same man that wanted to suck the life out of you.

He saw you looking at him and smirked, "ready to die surfer?" He asked mockingly. You just glared back at him as the goons continued to drag you across the floor around the symbols. You thought that was strange, but watched what the rest of the goons did. One by one they slowly started to throw the Storm Mages they were dragging onto the symbols.

The mages hovered before they hit the floor and were dragged through the air by an unknown force towards one of the five large symbols. The symbols were in an unmarked circular pattern. The mages never touched the ground. Hovering just above their designated symbols, still completely unconscious.

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