Chapter 5

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Laxus was pretty impressed with himself. He could still feel the electric energy coursing through him and all the goons were down. But one thing still remained.

'Where is she?' Laxus thought to himself. His eyes scanning the tops of buildings. He knew she went up. So why isn't she down yet. A frown etched its way onto his face at the thought that she might have started without him. Then again, wasn't it her idea to shoot the supercharged lightning spell at the Mage casting the spell.

Laxus quickly merged himself into lightning, the familiar buzz filling him as he shot up to the roof tops. When he landed he knew something was wrong. His instincts were screaming at him. He wasn't in danger but something has happened.

It was then that he saw it. Bounding across the rooftops was a showed figure, a large blob in his arms. Something about the sight made Laxus uneasy and he started chasing after them. Maybe it was you? Maybe it was another goon? Either way, he needed to deal with it.

Following the shadow as fast as he could he finally realised the shapes were two people, one carrying the other. What made him almost stop in his tracks however was the familiar (H/C) flashing at him every so often.

Rage built in him. Whoever that was, was in for one hell of beating. No one tries to kidnap his partner and gets away with it. Again the familiar buzz filled him as he became lightning and flashed in front of the man.

Freezing, the man's grip on you tightened and Laxus' frown deepened. The two of you stared off for a while. The man smirked, he had a large looming hood covering his face but Laxus could still see the beard. He vowed then to never grow a beard, they were ugly, especially this long thing that was draped over you.

"Give her back," Laxus ordered, his fingertips tingling as the lightning pushed at his fingertips.

The man shook his head, Laxus could almost feel his smirk as he spoke, "I can't do that. We've been trying to get her on the ground for a long time," he bowed his head down, "we owe you a thanks. And the show you put on with the monster together show us how powerful she really is."

Furious Laxus took a looming step forward, "This is your last warning," he threatened, "give her back or I will make you."

The air changed, from the continuous threats from Laxus and the laissez faire attitude from the man, they both watched as bolts of lightning shot down from the sky. Aimed for both of them. Laxus merely absorbed his, which took little effort. Throwing you to the ground, the man took the full force of the strike.

He screamed in agony, his hood falling off revealing Harold, the 'mayor' of Clover Town. Tutting, Laxus quickly stepped forward, picked you up bridal style and stepped back. Your head was resting on his shoulder and his arms tightly grasped around you. The man bucked and thrived on the floor in agony and Laxus watched. He did still need to question the man after all but in your unconscious state you were vulnerable and apparently a target.

When Harold stopped he started laughing, staring up at Laxus in pain, "they won't stop," he continued to laugh, "me and those other men are nothing but Pawns. All to get," he raised a shaky finger and pointed it towards your unmoving form, "her."

"Why?" Laxus questioned, "What do they want?"

"Did you know that Storm Mages used to rule the skies?" The man rambled, "they never touched the ground and the people below would give them food and clothes for their protection against the dragons. Their winds, rains, lightning, hurricanes were all scare tactics. Methods to scare off the dragons before they could even think about getting closer to the ground were normal people lived."

Curious but weary, Laxus held you tighter and took a step back, "only when the dragon slayers killed all the dragons they were forced to come to the ground, as their 'services' were no longer needed and separated, a whole civilisation lost to the world. Furious with the outcome and the complete disrespect they got when they did reach the ground, a Storm Mage created a spell, one that with a certain number of Storm Mages would destroy in a storm whatever the caster wanted," the man gestured to the storm around him, "this spell is nothing compared to the chaos and destruction the other spell would cause."

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