Chapter 7

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The next day was the same. Laxus watched you from up a tree near the shack, while you spent your days in the skies. Much like yesterday. This went on until the end of the week. On the last day you woke up to clear skies and the sounds of birds filling the peaceful silence. Not the thunder storms you both had grown used to or the darkness your eyes had adjusted to.

A part of you was upset. You'll miss the flurry of storms and the adrenaline you quickly became addicted to, but, it did give you something to look forward to. You had a whole year to travel and find new storms before you could return next year. You even thought Laxus was enjoying himself.

He would end the day glowing with the lightning he absorbed and even shoot some at the sky. His aim had improved so much as well; he could hit another bolt head on. He seemed pleased with himself when he bragged about it one night. But that was what filled your evenings, talking. Just the two of your and memories.

You found out about Laxus's excommunication from his former guild, Fairytail. You found out what happened; his betrayal and his need to make his family better and stronger. You could see the sadness in his eyes as he spoke, you knew he knew what he did wrong. You didn't argue, question or judge him, you listened. And from the hours that Laxus spoke it's clear that he knows what he did wrong. But you could see the light in his eyes when he spoke about his guild, his team, his family and how much he missed them.

Laxus listened to your story as well. How you were alone, how you came to be alone you can't remember, but what you can remember was how your master found you. And your story from there. You both shared a hatred for trains and agreed, for as long as you stayed together, you would walk, surf or use 'cloud travel', as Laxus called it.

With the storm now gone, you followed routine and headed towards the village to get supplies. Usually you could surf there in minutes, but Laxus insisted on walking and you weren't summoning a cloud for him if you couldn't surf. The storm washed away logs and twigs leaving a clear path through the forest. The only thing that was really any nuisance was the mud.

It took you both a few hours to reach the town but the silence between you was peaceful, but you already missed the storm. It's endless lightning, the thunder ringing in your ears, the dark clouds that highlight the storm in every way and the refreshing rain. Although it didn't rain very often. You wondered where you could find your next storm but there were more important matters at hand. Finding the people that wanted to create the world destroying storm and what they wanted it for.

Laxus however, still hadn't asked the questions that had been eating away at him all week. Most importantly, the spell that you both stopped and if you knew anything about the one that could destroy Fiore as you both knew it. He had a feeling you knew about the former, but not the latter. After all you did say some weird things going into that storm.

"What exactly do you know about these storms surfer?"

You shook your head, "not much. The one we stopped is an ancient spell, my master, tasked me to destroy every copy know on his death bed. Apparently that wasn't enough," you sigh and stare up at the sky through the trees, "this new spell I have no idea about. I don't know what it can do, who has control, nothing..." you turned your gaze to Laxus who was watching you intently, "I'm a kinda useless storm mage, right?"

Laxus rolled his eyes at you, "I'm a dragon slayer that wasn't raised by a dragon, does that make me a real dragon slayer?"

You scoffed at him, "you know exactly what I meant Sparky, I should know that spell! How you got your magic doesn't define it, it's how you use it that defines it. I can't let the only storm mages left use their magic to destroy Fiore in any way that they chose. There are only so many storm mages left, we'll be hunted to extinction if this happens! It will become forbidden magic!"

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