Chapter 16

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3 Months Later

Laxus and the Thunder Legion burst into the guild hall. Laxus' face having held the very same, seemingly permanent, scowl for three long months since you told him you were leaving. His mood might have improved if you stayed in contact but he knew you didn't have a Lacrima and he had no other way of contacting you to see if you were okay or when you were coming home. After all, you were hunting down the very same man Laxus had to save you from.

Every night Laxus would go to sleep watching the clouds for any sign of thunder or lightning. Hell, even a storm. But there was none. His friends tried to cheer him up, every day they tried to occupy his minds by fighting him three on one but they still weren't that much of a challenge for him. So for 5 minutes they partially took his mind off of you.

When Laxus walked through the guild doors however Mira signalled him over. Laxus made his way over to the bar and the scowl never left his face. Everyone seemed to be at the bar. A depressed Juvia, a bored Gajeel, and Mystogan? If Laxus wouldn't have been in such a bad mood, he would've questioned it.

"Hello Laxus," Mira smiled, "did you have a good time training these last 3 months?"

Laxus gave a grunt in response as Mira put a beer in front of him, "it was fine." Laxus picked up the beer only to see an envelope underneath. Addressed to 'Sparky the Lightning Dragon Slayer'. "What's this?" He asked Mira, gaining the attention of the other people at the bar.

"Oh," she acted shocked, "well Kinana got this letter about a week ago. She wasn't sure who Sparky was. But I only knew one Lightning Dragon Slayer," she smiled, placing her hand on the envelop, "but if you're not Sparky then-"

"-No!" Laxus interupted, pulling the envelope from her hands, "I'm Sparky!"

Of course, Laxus announcing that he is 'Sparky' drew the attention of the guild, "that's not something you hear a proud man like Laxus announce every day," Lily thought aloud, Gajeel silently nodded his head in agreement with his companion, as all eyes watched Laxus eye the letter in his hands.

Laxus left the bar with his beer and his letter, to sit alone in a corner to read the news he's been waiting three long months for.


I'm sorry I haven't written sooner. I wasn't too sure where to find paper and a pen where we've been. It's harder than you think. You'll be pleased to know, I found Hiro after a week and we're in hot pursuit of someone called Lin Allsopp. Who we're following around Earth land. He's fast, but I'm faster and we're hot on his trail!

I heard Fairytail is in the Grand Magic Games, whatever that is. It's supposed to be important though, and will put our guild back at the top, tell the team I know they'll win. I'll be rooting for them from wherever I end up. I'm sure you'll be in the team too, so I'll be rooting for you too.

You can't write back with all this travelling I'm doing but I know what you want to say and I promise we'll talk about it when I come back. I swear on my skills as a lightning surfer, we will talk about it.

Also, Hiro says hi. He wants to learn how to surf lightning too. I told him to come up with his own moves, so he travels sitting on a tornado. He also says, that you have to keep an eye out for this Lin. He was tracking you for quite a few years, but stopped when he realized you were already dead.

Tell the guild I said Hi and no I don't want to fight Natsu when I come back.

I miss you Sparky.

Lots of Love,


Laxus let out a deep sigh of relief when he read the letter. You were alive and okay. That was the best news he heard in a while. The Thunder Legion came over to him, seeing Laxus' scowl change to a look of relief.

"Good news?" Evergreen asked, standing up a bit straighter to try and read the letter. Laxus hadn't told them what had happened before. He couldn't believe it was real himself. He just needed to talk to you about it first and they would make a big deal out of it.

"It's just news," Laxus said, his tone dismissal to the conversation.

"Dude," Bickslow scoffed, "we know it's from (Y/N) and that you're happy to get news. We're your best friends Laxus, you can tell us." The other two nodded in agreement, but Laxus refused to tell. He usually told them everything but this seemed too personal. He wanted to talk it through with you over everyone else first.

"It's nothing," Laxus sighed.

Bickslow shook his head and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "well..."

"What?" Laxus grumbled.


Laxus stood up, his chair scraping against the floor drawing the attention of the rest of guild, "you. What?" His voice was threateningly low, his hair covering his eyes with a dark shadow. The Thunder Legion gulped but before they could excuse their actions Makarov saved their asses.

"LAXUS!" Makarov called, "GET YOUR ARSE OVER HERE NOW!" Laxus gave them a look that said this wasn't over before marching over to the four other members around Makarov: Gajeel, Mirajane, Juvia and Mystogan.

"What is it old man?" He asked, putting his hands in his pockets.

"You are a part of the Fairytail team for the Grand Magic Games," Makarov informed not even opening his eyes to look at the group.

"But master," Juvia said, titling her head in confusion, "isn't team Natsu being entered as a team?"

"Yes. They are Fairytail team A, you, my children are going to be Fairytail Team B."

"Oh," Mira giggled, "that sounds exciting!"


"How about I make it abit more interesting," the master suggests, "the winner team can make the loser team do whatever they want for a day." A series of thoughts rushed through the teams head as they imagine all the scenarios that could possibly happen if they had that kind of power over Team Natsu.

"DEAL," they all shouted in unison.

"Well what are you waiting for," the master shouted standing up, "go and win us back the spot of the best guild of Fiore!"

With that Fairytail Team B left for Crocus, to fight against other guilds and their owns.

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