Chapter Seven

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I'm trying to take these idiots seriously but it's difficult when they are so completely oblivious to everything. I've been spending time with Diana and Daniel for two weeks and they just now noticed apparently.

"Well?" Mikayla demands.

I blink lazily. "What? I'm sorry I wasn't really paying attention."

She huffs, plopping her hands onto her hips. "Why have you been hanging out with the new angels even after we told you not to?"

"I'm sorry, I could have sworn you just said we shouldn't let them hang out with criminals because then they would think we were housing fugitives. That's why I kept them away from you."

"How am I a criminal?"

"You're assaulting our minds with your stupidity, you don't think that should count?" I ask nonchalantly and her jaw drops.

"You did not just say that to me you little bitch!" She screeches.

I let out a sarcastic wince. "I kinda did." I see her fist coming a mile away but can only hold my breath and watch as it hits my face.

I take a step back and my hands fly to my bleeding nose. I'm honestly a little surprised she punched me but people will do all kinds of crazy things when they're pissed.

I hear footsteps rush over and bite my lip to suppress a groan as I look over.

"Is everything alright Mikayla?" Kyle asks, his brother right behind him.

"This slut just called me a criminal—and stupid! Plus she won't stop hanging around the new hot guy!" She replies with an indignant stomp.

Zayn turns to me with a smirk that matches his brother's.

"Did she now? Well I guess we are just going to have to teach her a lesson."



"You guys have to stop hanging out with me and Diana you need to find a new roommate right now," I say quickly, my voice urgent.

"Woah, woah, woah! Calm down Ana!" Diana says, holding her hands out.

Daniel leaps up from where he is laying on the couch and starts to come over. I try to move away from him, but he has me pinned against the wall faster than I can protest. He tugs my hood down quickly and his eyes widen. I hear Diana gasp behind him.

"Stop hanging out with me," I insist, pushing Daniel away and yanking my sweatshirt off.

"It's only been two weeks Ana they'll get over themselves eventually—"

"No, you need to stay away from me! They are going to come after you next and I don't want to see either of you get hurt because of me!" I shout.

They look at each other then shake their heads. "Not gonna happen."

I groan in frustration and stomp to my bathroom, pulling my shirt and sweatpants off as well. Bruises, cuts, and blood cover my body and soak my clothes.

My nose is crooked, my lip is split open and bleeding, my cheek is bruised and swollen, my ribcage is a splotchy purple, my ankle is twisted, and I think I might have a broken arm.

I pull out the first aid kit under my sink, wincing sharply as I put too much weight on my arm when I sit. I start dumping out supplies until they are strewn all around me.

I reset my nose, letting out a small growl of pain. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about the bruises that cover my body but I clean up the blood on my skin and just throw my soiled clothes away.

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