Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"You should just turn your property into a hospital," I chuckle.

"If you continue to be a moron, I may have to," Logan mutters in annoyance.

"Oh, come on I'm just trying to make sure you have something to do. I mean you must get bored as hell being out here by yourself, what do you even do?"



He sighs, shaking his head. "Doing nothing is quite enjoyable. As is being alone."

"You don't get tired of it?" I ask.

"After your parents died, I did nothing for nearly ten years. Then you showed up here again and I can say my life has not improved."

I scowl. "Are you still mad that I brought Diana here?"

"Yes. And I am upset that you injured yourself and caused your mate and your friend injury as well. Now you expect me to fix all three of you."

"I'm sorry, you're just too good at it."

He shakes his head, letting out an irritated sigh. "I am going to go hunting, don't you dare get up," he growls.

My leg still throbs from when I did just that a few hours ago. "Believe me I learned my lesson the first time," I grumble, rubbing my thigh a little.

He turns away looking quite annoyed. I watch him disappear out the door before falling back into the couch with a groan. Every part of my body aches and my headache is only growing worse.

Diana walks in a moment later, a bemused smirk on her lips. "You look like shit."

"So do you," I snort.

"Yeah well prison will do that. You of all people should know that," she mutters, moving to sit on the armrest of the couch.

I nod numbly, my thoughts wandering back to my own time in that place.

She suddenly clears her throat. "Logan said I should be okay to fly in a couple of months―maybe sooner if I heal fast," she says with a grin.

My eyes look just over her shoulder and she turns. Her wings are in a strange contraption that forces them to remain still. They are still bare of feathers but the open wounds have been stitched closed, and the bruises are fading.

I frown when I spot the dozens of tiny puncture marks at the base of her wings. "Did they inject you with something?" I ask.

"Yeah they gave me something that made my powers useless―apparently breaking my wings wasn't enough to ensure that," she mumbles.

I sigh heavily. "Honestly, after everything that's happened, I wish we had just stayed at the Academy."

"You're joking right?"

"As awful as it was, it was still safe. I had to hide but I didn't have to worry about people coming to kill me. And I didn't have to worry about people killing my friends," I murmur.

"Leaving was the smartest thing you've done in the past year," Diana scoffs. "You have your wings back. You have a mate and a best friend. You don't have to hide—"

"What do you call this then?" I ask, gesturing to the house around us.

She stares at me for a moment, then smiles a little. "A vacation."

I snort. "Vacations don't normally involve imprisonment or near-death experiences."

"Maybe if you have a really boring life," she retorts.

I roll my eyes. "I wish I had a boring life," I mutter under my breath.

My eyes snap to the door when Logan suddenly walks in, two massive rabbits in his hand. He goes straight to the kitchen where he starts cleaning them.

"Oh god he's making more of that red paste," I groan, my nose wrinkling in disgust.

"Red paste?" Diana echoes.

"Stop complaining Luciana or I will spoon-feed it to you," Logan growls and I purse my lips in annoyance.

Diana leans over to me. "Is he like your uncle or something?" she whispers.

"He might as well be," I grumble.

"Why doesn't he freak you out? Like how are you not scared of him?" she asks lowly.

I frown at her. She steals glances at him every few moments but never looks at him for more than a second at a time. And now that I think about it, she's been keeping her distance from him too. The only time they're even near each other is when he is tending to her injuries.

She has absolutely no clue who he is.

"He was my babysitter while my parents were alive. Plus I've been stuck with him for like two or three months now so we've become very good friends," I say the last part loudly, watching Logan shake his head and mutter a few swear words under his breath. I look at Diana with a small sigh. "Yeah, no he hates me, it's fine."

"He knew your parents?" she asks.

I nod. "He was good friends with both of them. He helped us hide when the Council started trying to kill us."

Deep creases appear on her forehead. "I don't understand."


"Why did they go after your parents? Your parents were part of the Council―it just doesn't make sense why they were targeted when you're the one they're afraid of," she says.

I pause, confusion swirling in my mind. I turn back towards the kitchen. "Logan why did they go after my parents?" I ask.

He stops cleaning the rabbits and looks up. "They were always afraid of your father but they couldn't get rid of him, he was too powerful. So they waited and eventually found his weakness," he sighs.

"My mom?"

"And you."

"How could one angel possibly be more powerful than the Council?" I ask.

"Yeah even Luciana was almost killed―well she technically was killed by the Council," Diana chimes in.

Logan frowns. "Do you know who your father was Luciana?"

I open my mouth to respond but nothing comes out. I try to think but I can't even recall his name―only the name my mother used. "My mom used to call him Luca."

"I will give you a hint. Your name is a tribute to him," he says.

Luciana. It means light. I guess that sounds similar to Luca.

Morgenstern. It means morning star― "Oh my god," I breathe as realization hits me like a stone wall. "Oh my god."

"What? What's wrong?" Diana asks, her voice full of concern.

"My father is Lucifer."

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