Chapter Nineteen

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"Wow so we're all hybrids," I mutter.

"Well kind of," Diana says.


"I mean I don't actually know who my father was so the hybrid thing is more of an educated guess, don't really know for sure," she mumbles, half to herself.

I purse my lips in annoyance. "That's not the point."

"I wonder how many of the so-called problem angels in rehab were really just hybrids," Daniel comments.

Diana's face suddenly lights up. "That's how we can take down the Council!" she says, jumping to her feet. There is a wide grin on her face as she looks between us. 

My eyebrow quirks up. "Uh, I think we might need an explanation for that one," I say slowly, glancing over to see Daniel just as confused.

"Hybrids are more powerful than normal angels, right? So, we break them out of rehab and have them help us take down the Council!"

Daniel lets out an incredulous snort. "Are you insane? Do you remember how high security was there?" 

"Yes, but I have also seen the strength of your pack. Plus, Ana is probably one of the most powerful angels in the world now that she's got her wings back.

The corner of my mouth lifts. "I'm in," I say.

Daniel turns to me with wide eyes. "You've got to be kidding me," he deadpans.

"Look, it's a chance to get back at the Council for everything they put us through and in the process we can get them off our backs and help all of the angels in rehab live a normal life. They deserve that just as much as we do," I tell him.

He lets out a heavy breath, running a hand through his hair. He closes his eyes and is silent for several moments.

He finally looks up at Diana and I. "Fine," he growls, "Let's do it."

I glance down at myself. "I should probably put on a shirt first."


Fifty-three days. That was how long since they took my wings. I couldn't remember how long I was here before that. It felt like years though. 

A sudden screech of the door hinges brought me out of my thoughts. "You have ten seconds to get out on your own before I'm dragging you out," the guard declared.

I continued looking at the wall, waiting until ten seconds had passed before finally turning around.

His jaw was clenched and I could tell he was struggling not to hit me.

The week before I had gotten into a fight with one of his guard buddies and both of us were pretty banged up. It only ended when someone dragged me off him.

He was still in the hospital and the guard knew that. He was afraid of me but, I think he was still more afraid of the Council.

"Let's go," he snapped.

I glared at him as I stalked out of the cell. He walked beside me, leading me through the dark hallways. I noticed his hand hovering above the gun on his hip, fingering the safety every few steps. I couldn't help the tiny smile that played at my lips.

As we approached the end of a particularly long corridor, I could feel the inside of my elbow start to ache. I unconsciously rubbed the circular scars where hundreds of needles had drawn blood over the years.

At the end was a metal door with a passkey scanner. The guard swiped his card across it and the door swung open with a beep and a click. He shoved me inside then quickly locked the door.

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