Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Hold up," Diana mutters, "Are you seriously saying that her father was the angel from the stories―the one that forced all of us to live on earth?"

I look to Logan who nods.

"The angel that also brought demons to earth?" Diana asks.

Logan clears his throat a little and nods again, turning to me. "Yes. Everyone was terrified of him, everyone but your mother. The only reason your father was on the Council, was because she was the leader for decades. They thought her snow-white wings meant she was the purest of the angels and so they did whatever she said―but that was millennia ago, before dark angels were fully allowed to be in the council and long before either of you were even born."

"Sounds like a damn fairytale."

"Wait so they're trying to kill Luciana because she's the super-evil, all-powerful spawn of the devil?"

"Hey!" I growl.

Logan sighs in annoyance. "Well if you knew the most terrifying angel in existence had a child, wouldn't you want to kill it?"

"I'm literally sitting right here!" I shout.

Diana rolls her eyes. "Hey at least we know the Council isn't just a bunch of pussies, they actually have a valid reason to want you dead."

I gape at her. "That's what you got from all this?"

"Yeah, well that and we know that you're a badass hybrid―your dad was Lucifer, the evilest angel to walk the earth, and your mom was the purest angel on earth. That's a pretty cool mix."

"This is not cool at all!"

"It's super cool! It means you're the most powerful angel in the world!"

My eyebrows furrow as I stare at her. "No it doesn't."

She nods excitedly. "It totally does. I bet you have more than just the ability to control people's minds too!"

I glance back at Logan but he is focused entirely on his work in the kitchen. I turn back to see Diana looking at me expectantly. "What?"

"Aren't you going to try and see if you can do anything else?" she asks.

"What the hell am I supposed to try to do?"

She shrugs. "I don't know. Maybe you can control fire too? That would kinda fit don't you think?" she chuckles.

"I don't know how to do that! It took me years to figure out exactly what I could do as far as controlling people. Not to mention I hurt quite a few innocent people in the process. I don't think I want any more abilities, the one I have is fucked up enough."

"Come on it'll be fun! We can get Daniel to help!" She suddenly leaps to her feet, overcome with excitement.

I bury my face in my hands. "Oh god, what's Daniel going to say?" I groan.

"If he actually cares about you he won't say anything but he's also a dumbass so I doubt he's smart enough to just keep his mouth shut," she rambles. "Where is he anyway?"

I sigh. "He went for a run, he probably won't be back for another hour or so."

"Who the hell likes running that much?" she mutters.

"He's a wolf." A wolf is basically a dog and dogs love to run. That makes sense right?

"Just make sure I'm there when you tell him. I wanna see his reaction," she grins.

I really really don't.


"I think you should tell her."

He shakes his head, not even sparing me a glance.

"I'm serious. She just went on for almost an hour about how cool it is that Lucifer's my dad. I really don't think it would bother her to know that hers is a demon," I say.

The chuckle that leaves his throat makes me grin. "Finally figured it out, did you?"

"Well after finding out who my dad is, it was pretty simple. The council is after you too and you knew my father and you do look like something from hell so it all just kinda fit together," I shrug.

He sighs. "I served your father for a very long time. I was one of his most trusted soldiers, until Diana. After she was born, he wouldn't let me fight for him anymore. He told me to take care of my daughter. Instead of listening to him, I told her mother to keep her away from me and to tell her nothing of me."


"I thought your father would allow me to fight again if I did," he mutters, leaning back against the counter.

"He didn't though, did he?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "Not only did I disobey him, I also disrespected him by choosing war over my own daughter. He believed demons should have something more than a thirst for blood."

"That doesn't sound like the Lucifer I've heard stories about," I say.

"Not many knew him as well as I did. Most of the stories come from the Council and while he did do terrible things, blood and destruction were not his only desires, as they would have you believe."

"He couldn't have been the epitome of evil if he was able to fall in love―and gain the favor of the purest angel on earth," I reason.

He smiles in amusement. "You do have an interesting heritage. Not many angels can call themselves the love-child of good and evil."

"Well Diana can if you tell her that you're her father," I say.

"Even if she does accept me, what good will come from telling her?"

I frown. "She will finally have a present parent to start with. Also you seem to regret your last decision regarding Diana and I think this would be a good way to make up for it."

"Did you tell Daniel who you are yet?"

My eyes widen a little. "Uh well, no. Not yet anyway," I mutter.

He raises his eyebrow at me. "Why not? He's been back for hours."

"I'm scared of what he's going to say," I admit.


"He reacted badly when he learned what I could do and he's probably going to freak out when I tell him that I might be able to do a hell of a lot more and that my blood is inherently evil and―oh god this is such a bad idea," I murmur, dragging my hands down my face.

Logan suddenly grins, flashing his fangs. "I will tell Diana who I am when you tell Daniel who you really are."

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