Chapter Thirty-One

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"That's not fair!"

I roll my eyes with a heavy sigh. "What's not fair?"

"That!" she shouts, pointing at the flames in my hand. "You figured out how to create fire and you've been at this for barely a day! I've been practicing for weeks and I still can't do it!"

"Yeah well I'm a fast learner and it's easier to learn if you just relax and stop trying so hard," I mutter.

"Your wings may be posing a problem as well," Logan comments.


"Well they're kinda broken still so I doubt they work as well as they normally do," I say, closing my hand and stifling the flames.

"Stupid fucking council," she grumbles under her breath.

I turn to Logan. "So what all could my parents do? I never knew their abilities, they refused to show them to me," I tell him.

"I do not know what your mother could do, I did not see her very often. Your father could do much more than control fire, he was not like other angels; he had more than just one ability."


He nods. "He could control people too—not to the extent you can but he could 'make suggestions' as he called it. He could dream walk and summon shadows as well as demons and—"

"Wait what the hell is dream walking?" I ask.

He shrugs. "Exactly like it sounds I suppose. You can walk in someone else's dreams, manipulate them even."

I gape at him. "That sounds so cool," I laugh. "Well I know what I'm trying once Diana falls asleep."

"Don't you fucking dare!" she snaps.

I raise my eyebrow at her. "Why? Are you scared I'll find out all of your secrets?" I tease.

She pales a little. "No," she mumbles, looking down at her hands.

My amusement falters when I notice the panic on her face and fear in her eyes. "Diana I was just kidding, I wouldn't do that," I tell her.

She doesn't respond.

I glance over at Logan but he is watching her through narrowed eyes.

A few minutes later, Logan suddenly stands and disappears into the house. I look back at Diana but she is still staring at her hands in her lap.

"Are you okay?" I ask gently.

"I'm fine," she mumbles.

I reach over to put a hand on her shoulder but she shrugs it off and follows Logan inside. I find myself staring at the door, my mind swirling with confusion.

"Well this is fucking weird," I murmur under my breath.

Logan walks out, a plate of food in his hand. He offers it to me and I take it graciously.

"You two are doing better so you may eat less sustaining food now," he says.

"Thank god, I don't think I can take anymore of the red mush," I shudder.

He lets out an annoyed sigh as he sits down beside me.

I look back at the door but it seems Diana is staying inside. I turn back to Logan. "Did I say something wrong?"

He smiles a little, shaking his head. "You did nothing wrong Luciana."

"Then why is she so upset with me all of the sudden? I don't understand. Is it because I can use fire too?" I ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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