Chapter Fifteen

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"Diana!" Daniel snarls, stalking over to where she is lounging on the grass. She lifts her sunglasses, takes one look at Daniel's pissed face, then leaps to her feet.

"Oh shit!" She breathes out, taking off running. 

I was upset with Daniel for ignoring me before when I asked him to be calm and reasonable about this, but it was hard to stay mad with the sight of my mate chasing my best friend around the forest. It's like a damn cartoon.

After several minutes of sprinting, he finally catches her, swings her over his shoulder and carries her over to where I am standing. He drops her onto her feet, but keeps a firm hold on her arm so she can't run away.

"You told us that angels and werewolves aren't compatible, if that's true then how could Daniel have been born?" I ask, desperately hoping she made a mistake or lied before.

"I already fucking told you," she snapped, yanking her arm from Daniel's grasp. "A normal angel with wings is compatible with a werewolf sure. But you don't have your wings, so you are very weak compared to the rest of us and don't heal as fast as you need to. That's why you two can't be mates."

"I fucking hate the Council, they completely ruined my life!" I yell, kicking a nearby lounge chair in frustration. It flipped over, hitting the concrete with a muted thud. 

I collapse onto the ground and put my face in my hands, my shoulders slumped in defeat. They completely ruined my life. I can't be with my mate, I can't fly, I don't have a family, and I can't even live without constantly worrying about the Council taking me back to the Cage.

"Luciana, don't forget what you said about your wings," Daniel offers, his voice gentle. 

I look up and see him crouching down in front of me. "What if I don't get them though? What if I never get my wings back?" I ask, my voice cracking with either anger or sadness, I don't know.

"You can deal with that when it comes, but for now, you can put a smile on your face and just hope for the best," Diana interjects.

"Easy for you to say," I snap.

"You know you aren't the only one who has had problems with the council. Daniel and I were in a rehab center for years, well, Daniel had vacations off property but I didn't. I was there for eight years before they transferred me to the academy," she says angrily.

My eyes widen. "I'm sorry, I didn't know that. Why did they even put you in there?" I ask, my voice quiet.

"Because I'm a weird mutation of angel, not dark or light. They called me a devil angel because I'm red. Red hair, red wings, and red eyes. I dye everything black and wear color contacts—just like you."


"Yeah. The Council, which includes my own mother, has done horrible things to everyone, so stop being so selfish and don't you dare think that you're the only one who has problems," she spits before stalking away.

I fall onto my back with a low groan. "I feel like the biggest bitch in the world right now," I mumble.

Daniel sighs, then sits down beside me. "You shouldn't. I mean yeah you were focused on your own problems but your situation is worse than Diana's. And seriously, you need to try to relax about the wing thing, I think she is just getting annoyed by your attitude. You're a bit of a pessimist," he says and I turn to him with a raised eyebrow.

"But what if I like being a pessimist?"

"Nobody likes being a pessimist."

"Fine, I'll try being a little more optimistic," I say, throwing him a sarcastic smile. 

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