Chapter Ten

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I bang my head against the tree. "I'm such an idiot!" I mutter angrily.

"No you're not, if anyone's an idiot it's Daniel," Diana sighs, staring off into the forest.

"I told him I don't want to see him anymore, but I do, I miss him so much already," I mumble, hitting my head against the tree again.

My forehead is probably bruised and bleeding but I don't feel any pain as I sit in front of the tree and continue the assault on my head.

"That's because he marked you and I'm sorry to say it's going to get way worse. Pretty soon your mark will start burning because you haven't mated yet and he'll be the only one who can make it feel better," she mutters and my face twists into a grimace.

"Fuck my life!" I groan, falling onto my back in the grass.

"Yeah you're a little screwed," Diana mutters and I glare at her.

"That's not helping."

She shrugs. "Well, I really don't know how to help you, Daniel kind of turned everything to shit. I told him to be careful but he still marked you and now you're kinda stuck."

Realization sweeps over me and I sit up fast. I whip around to face her. "How did you know Daniel is a werewolf anyway?" I ask.

Her eyes fly wide. "Uh, well he kinda told me. I mean that's why he was put in the rehabilitation center in the first place. I found out because we were roommates there," she admits.

This time my eyes go wide. "You two were roommates? But you said you hated him just a few weeks ago."

"That's because he was a total dick for as long as I knew him but he seemed to get better when he spent more time with you," she explains.

"So I'm guessing his wings are so big because he's part werewolf right?" I ask and she nods.

"Yeah, that and the fact that he's also an Alpha," she mumbles and I leap to my feet.

"He's a fucking Alpha?!" I yell.

Her eyes widen in panic and she quickly shushes me, looking around in panic. "Dude shut up!" She hisses angrily.

"Well why the hell wasn't I informed?" I demand.

"It wasn't my secret to tell, though I think I've told you half of his secrets already," she groans, dragging a hand down her face.

"Okay I need to get out of here, this is just too much," I decide, hurriedly pushing myself to my feet. I furiously shake my head, desperate to get rid of my pounding headache.

Diana jumps up and jogs after me. "Where are you going?"

"Into town and I'm going to stay there until they send someone to come and get me," I tell her and she makes a face.

"Why the hell would you do that?"

"Because I don't want to ever come back but after a few hours they'll come and get me whether I like it or not," I mutter.

"I don't think that's a good idea," she says.

"Why not?"

"That town is owned by the werewolf pack that Daniel is the alpha of," she says.

"Seriously? Is there any way I can get a break from him?"

"I doubt it, except in our room maybe."

"Fine, then I'm just going to go to our room and sleep for a long time."


"Luciana you have to get up now," Diana sighs, shaking my shoulder.

"No, I'm not leaving my bed," I say firmly.

She rolls her eyes. "Why not?"

"Because I don't want to take the chance of seeing him again. I'm afraid if I run into him then it will be impossible for me to not kiss him, or just jump him right there," I mutter, half to myself.

"I'm in all of your classes and I can make sure you don't do anything like that okay? That's not something I really want to see anyway now you need to get out of here because you haven't left the room in two days, now come on!" She groans, grabbing my arm and pulling me off the bed.

I yelp as she manages to tug me over the side. I grab onto the railing of my bunk and let out a sharp cry as my shins hit the frame of the bed.

I drop to the ground with a loud wince. I can already feel bruises forming. "You bitch," I mutter, rubbing my legs with a rueful glare.

"Hey if you would have gotten out of bed on your own then this wouldn't have happened. This is entirely your fault." She shrugs.

"Alright fine," I hiss, moving to get ready for class.


I walk through the hallway with a frown on my face. Five minutes ago, I got a note from the headmaster asking for me to come to his office immediately.

Even stranger, Diana got the same note nearly 45 minutes ago and hasn't come back since.

I pause in front of the doors, my mind swirling with confusion and worry. I take a deep breath and swipe my wrist across the sensor and push the doors open.

Mr. Woodrow sits behind his desk as always. Though he looks much more annoyed and stressed than usual as he rubs circles on his temples. "Take off your hood," he says sharply then gestures to a plush chair in front of his desk.

I sit down slowly, throwing him a cautious glance as I pull the hood down. "What is this about?" I ask carefully.

"Your friends, Diana and Daniel, you can't be near them anymore. Diana will be moved out of your room and into a different one and all of her classes will be changed as well as Daniel's so that you aren't near either them anymore," he says and I stand up, my face furious.

"Why?" I demand, my jaw hard.

"Because Daniel attacked three students the other day and they reported that Diana helped and that it was because of you. So, per the Council's initial terms regarding your stay here, you will keep away from both of them unless you'd rather be relocated to the Cage. The Academy is a privilege and if you cannot abide by the rules then it will be taken away."

"You're taking away my only friends in ten years because they tried to help? What the hell is wrong with you assholes?" I yell, slamming my fists down onto his desk.

"Don't swear Luciana," he warns.

"Fuck you!" I snap, storming out of his office with my middle finger in the air.

I stalk to my room where I find Diana sitting on the edge of her bed, her head in her hands and her elbows on her knees. She looks up as I slam the door closed. "Hey are you okay?" She asks softly.

I shake my head and snatch a backpack out from under the bed. "No, I'm not," I grit out. I start shoving my clothes into the backpack, as much as I can fit.

"You heard huh?" She asks and I whip around.

"Yeah, and I'm done with them. If they think they can take away my only friends in ten years and keep me completely isolated without a fight, then they are in for a big fucking surprise," I spit, walking to my bathroom.

I pack all of my stuff into the backpack and somehow manage to zip it shut. Diana comes over as I swing it over my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" She asks, eyeing me warily.

"I'm leaving."

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