Chapter Eighteen

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Diana's voice brings me out of my sleep. I open my eyes to darkness, the only light coming from the moon.

She looks at me with concern. "How the hell were you flying and sleeping at the same time?" She asks.

I laugh a little. "My parents taught me, it's similar to what humans call lucid dreaming," I tell her.

"Why do you do it?"

"So I can sleep while flying, but normally I do it because you can control what you dream about. If I forget something it helps me to remember, I use it more when I miss my parents," I explain.

Her eyes go wide with shock and something else . . . excitement? "Can you teach me to do it?"

"Um, yeah I suppose. But you should probably start in a bed, it took me a while before I finally was able to sleep and fly at the same time."

She nods and we both descend. My wings are spread wide, but remain unmoving so I am steadily falling out of the clouds. Under the grey puffs it's pouring rain that slicks my hair to my face.

On the ground, waiting for us, are nearly a dozen wolves scattered around the clearing. Among them is Daniel, his arms crossed and his face expressionless.

I land in front of him before putting my wings away. The pull towards him is unmistakable. My chest tightens and I swear my feet move of their own accord. 

His eyes are black in an instant. He growls, stalking towards me. I open my mouth to say something but then his lips collide with mine. His fingers grip my hips tightly, pulling my body close to his.

I gasp into his mouth, shocked at the sudden ferocity He kisses me hard and desire tears through my veins like fire. 

The cold precipitation on our bodies is hot in seconds. It mixes with the kiss, filling my mouth with the taste of mint and sweet rain.

My hands move of their own accord, sliding over his bare chest, up to his shoulders. My lungs burn and I pull away with a gasping breath.

I wrap my arms around his neck and let my head fall. I bury my face into his chest as I catch my breath. He hugs me close to him and instantly a sense of security washes over me.

"I'm sorry for not telling you," I mutter, just loud enough for him to hear.

"I'm sorry for reacting the way I did, you're used to keeping secrets and I need to understand that," he sighs.

I place a kiss on his jaw before leaning back a little to look at him. "Call it even?" I ask and he chuckles.



"Okay so close your eyes, and lie completely still," I tell Diana.

She nods, quickly adjusting her position on her bed before following my instructions. She lays on her back with her arms folded over her stomach.

"Okay now focus only on your breathing. A deep, slow breath in, then a slow breath out. Just keep going and whatever you do, don't move. If you start to feel tingling or itching in your extremities you have to ignore it, otherwise we'll have to start all over," I explain.

"You have to wait until your body is completely numb and feels really heavy, but it might take a long time. If you do get to it though, you'll be able to control your dream. That's when you can think of an old memory, or a problem you can't solve."

I watch as her chest starts to rise and fall more steadily as her heart rate and breathing slows. She is completely still and silent so I decide that is enough instruction.

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