Chapter Twenty-Three

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I have no idea how long they have been searching for, but it feels like an eternity.

I keep fading in and out of consciousness. In and out of pain. But the feeling of complete and utter hopelessness refuses to go away.

Daniel said that Diana disappeared a few hours ago, but I have no idea what that means. He also told me that the river is starting to turn into a tiny creek. I don't know what that means either.

"Daniel I'm hungry, my shoulder hurts," I murmur with a small groan. I can feel his hand stroking my hair. My head lays on his lap and something soft is underneath my back—grass maybe?

"Ana, I have no idea what you just said," A voice says.

I open my eyes and see his blue ones watching me. Deep in his gaze I see something dark, like concern but worse, I can't quite think of the word.

"My shoulder hurts and I'm hungry," I repeat.

He just shakes his head.

I frown. Why can't he understand me?

I lift my arm to my lips as I say it again and realize my lips are barely moving. In fact, I can't move my entire left side.

"Ana are you okay?" Daniel says. He places his hand on the side of my face and I feel his thumb run along my lip.

If we don't find him soon, I'm going to die, I realize, a terrible sinking feeling settles in the pit of my stomach.

I raise my right hand and make a small motion with my fingers.

I let out a gasp as I fall face first onto the ground. I sputter when dirt enters my mouth and painfully roll my body over, my lips twisting into a grimace as I lay awkwardly on my wings. Daniel stands above me, his eyes darting around in confusion.

I suck in a deep breath and lift my hand again. I quickly spread my fingers making his wings unfold. I jerk my hand upward and his wings spring him high into the sky. Dirt and twigs in the resulting gust of wind cut across my skin and make me choke. I cough violently for nearly a minute. I swallow and look up into the sky, blinking hard when I feel my head throb and a cold sweat sweep over my body.

I pull my fingers together and keep one name in my mind. I vaguely hear Daniel yell 'Logan' at the clouds above and again at the forest below.

The energy is being sapped from my body and replaced immediately by ice that creeps through my veins. I fight to keep my eyelids open and make my mate call for Logan once more before my arm falls.

I quickly pray for him to hear the call for help just before my mind goes blank.


Something wet touches my forehead and my eyes fly open in panic.

A loud swear hits my ears followed by a thump, and another string of curse words. I watch with furrowed brows as he picks himself up and then my lips turn upwards.

He chuckles slightly and places a gentle kiss on my grinning mouth. "I would apologize for waking you but you've been sleeping for a few days," he says.

"Did I die again?" I ask.

"Almost, but no we didn't have to revive you this time," he chuckles.

I smile a little and look around. I instantly recognize the peeling tan wallpaper, cracked yellow window, and cobweb covered lamp. I turn to Daniel. "You found Logan."

"Actually I found him."

My head snaps towards the doorway and I can barely hide my initial shock. He is just like I remember: black eyes, tall, muscular, hair black as ink, and canines as sharp and long as a vampire's.

"Logan." I swallow the thick lump in my throat. "Thank you," I murmur.

He nods deeply in response.

"The poison's all gone but your body is severely weakened," Daniel suddenly says.

I push the blankets off of me and look down. I stare at my body in dismay. My skin is nearly yellow, my muscles are wasted away, and I can see the outline of my bones. My eyes start to water.

"Luci!" A harsh voice makes my head snap up. Logan's eyes burn red and the veins in his muscles throb. "Do not let them break you," he growls.

I suck in a deep breath and harden my gaze. "Don't ever call me that again," I spit.

Logan suddenly disappears and I immediately hear Daniel clear his throat. "Well that was intense, and confusing," he mutters nervously.

I shake my head as I completely remove the blankets and start to get up. As soon as I put weight on my legs they collapse. Daniel catches me by my arms and I hold onto him tightly.

"Shit," I breathe, my entire body shaking from the exertion.

Daniel swings me up into his arms so that he is carrying me bridal style. He carries me out of the room and down the hall. He sets me down in a moth-eaten armchair then goes back into the room to return with a blanket.

I cast my gaze down to my lap as he tucks the blanket around my shivering body. I hear him sigh before grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him. "You need to understand Ana, you have been through a lot. The poison put you in a coma and even after we resuscitated you, you couldn't eat and could barely drink. You have no muscle. You're dehydrated and starved. Your body will heal but it will take time and you need to take it slow," he explains.

"Daniel, the last time I looked like this, I was in prison. It was when the Council was torturing me. For months I hoped they would kill me just to make the pain stop, but just as I was about to die from my injuries, they made me decently healthy again and put me in the Academy. Then they brought me back to that prison during school breaks and over the summer since I didn't have anywhere else to go."

"Like Logan said, you can't let them break you. Every time your mind goes back to that, they win because they've managed to hurt you again. You need to make sure they can't hurt you anymore."

A tear rolls down my cheek. He wipes it away with his thumb. I suck in a shuddering breath and let it out slowly. "I wish I knew how to do that."

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