~Chapter 4~

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*Tracer's P.O.V.*

When I ran up the building I looked around quickly. "Where?" I mumbled. I then spotted on another rooftop a women. She had purple skin and a long slick black ponytail. My eyes widened as I saw her aiming a sniper down into the crowd.
I quickly sneak up behind her without her noticing. I see she is aiming at Mondatta. "Come to crash the party love?" I ask as she turns to me shocked. She growls as she jumps back and tries to shoot me. I quickly dodge behind a wall. I grab my duel pistols and shoot at her. She avoided my bullets with ease. I sigh as I mess with my ear piece as I hide behind a wall, avoiding her line of sight.
"Ello?" I repeat into the earpiece until I get a response. "Hello? Who is this?" a man's voice replies. "Sorry to bother you love, but there is a shooter on the roof so I need you to get Mondatta out of here." I inform the person. "This is a secure line how did you-" he was then cut off by the sound of the woman shooting at me.
I assume that the sound of bullets was enough to convince him. When the shooting stops I quickly turn ready to shoot that woman again. I assumed that she was reloading but my eyes widened as I saw that she was no where in sight. I clench my teeth as I blink across building tops looking for her.
I finally see her dangling upside down a building aiming again. I quickly blink next to her and kick her. We both fall down onto the rooftop of another building. I hold my head in pain from the fall. I groan a bit in pain as i attempt to stand up. "I wouldn't move if I were you." I look up and see the woman aiming at me with a smirk. "I never miss," she says with a smirk. I look to the side and notice a weird device glowing purple. I realize I need to act fast. I quickly blink back to when I was falling. I smirk as I watch her eyes widen as I shoot at her.
She barely had enough time to react but manage to quickly run off barely missing my bullets as she jumped off the building. I quickly jump after her. I blinked in front of her when my eyes widened. She was aiming at my chronal accelerator. If she shoots me there I wouldn't be able to control where or when I blink. I quickly blink out of her line of sight onto a rooftop.
As I quickly get back onto my feet I run to the edge of the roof and look down in shock and horror as I place a hand over my mouth. "No!" I scream as I stare at the lifeless Mondatta. The crowd is in panic as i hear footstep casually walk behind me. I quickly blink towards the footsteps and pin the woman down. "Why!? How could you!?" I scream frantically. The woman just smirks as she pushes me off of her. She walks away with the sniper on her shoulder as a helicopter came by. "Talon," I mumble under my breath. It then click that this woman was Widowmaker. I then charged at her with full on rage as she kicked me in my chronal accelerator. I flew off the edge of the building into an alley. My chronal accelerator sparking blue sparks as I coughed in pain. I then passed out to the sound of the helicopter flying off.

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